Trump just presided over one of the greatest diplomatic disasters in modern history, with flared tempers, raised voices, and shredded protocol.
Never before has a U.S. president bullied and berated an adversary, never mind an ally, in such a public way.
During a tense Oval Office meeting, Trump and JD Vance attacked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, demanding he accept a peace deal with Russia or lose U.S. support.
The conversation devolved into shouting, with Trump accusing Zelenskyy of being ungrateful and “gambling with World War III.”
The meeting ended in chaos, with no agreement reached.
Finally a fucking accurate headline. All of this “argument between zelensky and trump” horseshit was so immediate and widespread. Trump couldn’t even handle his own unjustified attack. They needed vance to to start with verbal diarrhea and buzz words so dementia donny dipshit had things to free associate with. They ganged up and bullied to try to force him to break, and he held.
Zelenskyy is a goddamn hero
fuck trump fuck vance fuck musk fuck putin
And his most heroic act was not punching the old fart in the teeth
I imagine it would be quite cathartic
Zelenskyy is a goddamn hero
He’s far from being a hero. Zelenskyy just happens to be the president of a country being invaded, if trump was in his place you would be here calling him a hero. Zelenskyy is the president of an authoritarian government who turned to martial law and is drafting people by force while not allowing any male between 18-60 to leave the country.
“In 2023, harsher methods of mobilization began to be used, such as road blocks, business raids, and pulling people from the streets. In the latter half of 2023, videos surfaced online showing Ukrainian men violently dragged into vans and driven to the military recruiting centers”
Zelenskyy is the president of an authoritarian government who turned to martial law
Active invasion of their country from Belarus and Russia. What a brain dead take.
Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics
The mobilization was accompanied by mass raids on men of military age. In the enterprises of the region, up to 80% of employees were called up, which led to shutdown of mines and public transport, as well as the paralysis of cities and public services. To avoid mobilization, residents hid or tried to illegally leave the republics.[21]
Recruitment of prisoners
It was reported that Russian authorities were targeting poor, homeless and people from poorer regions of Russia for conscription.[79][80] Russian authorities drafted detained protestors with no previous military experience, including a 17-year-old boy who was arrested at an anti-war demonstration in Moscow.[81]
On 14 April 2023, Putin signed into law a bill that would allow authorities to issue electronic summons to draftees.[92][93] The law blocks anyone eligible for military service who has received a digital summons from leaving the country.[94] Russian lawyer Valeria Vetoshkina called it a “hidden mobilization.” According to Russian economist Konstantin Sonin, “Now, any person, regardless of whether he took a summons or not, [or] has an account with Gosuslugi or not, can be arrested and convicted for not going to war.”[95] Russian lawyer and human rights activist Ivan Pavlov said that the “only option is to leave the country as soon as possible, but there is very little time for that.”[96]
Thanks for reporting on the draft in russia too. Forced conscription is form of slavery and a violation of human rights, it should be abolished and every person should fight against it and against the governments forcing it on people.
When two countries drafting people by force and not allowing them to leave the country get into a war you get a total disaster where poor people are forced to murder each others. The rulers and government behind these authoritarian polices are criminal and enemies of humanity.
When two countries drafting people by force and not allowing them to leave the country get into a war you get a total disaster where poor people are forced to murder each others
In this situation, one country got into a war. The other is defending its sovereign territory.
So if russia were to be attacked by china would it be ok for them to draft people by force to defend their sovereign territory? If you were someone living in russia would you be ok with putin goons arresting you if you try to leave the country?
Didn’t like, every country do the draft in WW2 and it was barely enough to defeat the Nazis?
Just about every country, yes. A few remained neutral, but there weren’t very many comparatively.
He’s not a hero lol
Most people would have taken the ride offer out of Kiev in 2022. That alone made him a hero. This new incident just adds even more to his hero status
Edit: Not you specifically, just in general.
Yeah, because we learned that if you don’t counter trolls some people will believe every goddamn word they say and then vote the trolls into office.
Counter argue with someone, sure. But pushing gruel into the troll never changes the troll, it just makes you more bitter.
You’re not trying to change the troll—you’re showing the onlookers that the troll is an idiot.
He’s not a hero lol
He is a hero lol
lol if you honestly believe that, that’s ur issue
lol if you honestly don’t believe that, that’s ur issue
Yeah I’ll believe that sitting in the house I own. Go pay rent
Wait, are you upset your favourite orange sack of shit is the laughing stock of the world, while Zelenskyy is unanimously praised?
lol then go move to Ukraine if you wanna suck him so badly dawg
I know that’s very natural for you to go around sucking off every man with a raised voice, but I’m not a republican, I don’t do that. Thanks for the offer, you do you.
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Man, you just can’t stop thinking about sucking dicks, huh. Lol
Yeah yeah, just go pay rent and shut up
Nazi lives don’t matter
And then to top off his hissy fit, he kicked Zelenskyy out. Like the diaper wearing toddler he is.
Then he cut off all aid to Ukraine for rebuilding their power grid.
Yup, i saw that too. What a fucking petulant child
A petulant child *operating at the behest of a foreign dictator. This whole Stupid Show he’s put on around Ukraine has proven he has Putin’s dick so far up his ass that it does all the talking for him.
You’ll never convince your typical Trump voter that it’s true is the main fucking issue though.
I don’t think you have to. Plenty of them see Putin as the “strong leader” they want.
Yes 100% I never questioned that part!
America is an enemy to freedom, democracy, and peace to the world; Americans just haven’t felt it yet.
They will soon when the dictatorship turns violent, after all checks and balances are removed.
Transgender Americans and other minority groups are feeling it for sure. It’s just not the white suburban traditional family Americans who have felt the pinch yet (aside from the price of eggs).
Yeah, as i canadian I hope the petition is signed to allow trans folk to claim refugee status goes somewhere
As an American, We felt it the first time he was in office. And Bush, and so many other times before. This time is different. It’s unhinged and there’s no end in sight. And the scary part is that a large portion of people here apparently WANTED this. Some of them are silent now, some are attempting to amp it up further and no one I know that voted for this feels any thing is wrong.
There are changes being made on a whim with an axe that will take decades or longer to be rectified and lots that never could be. I’ve never felt as disappointed and ashamed of the country I live in as I do now and I know it will get worse… much worse. Buckle up folks, it’s going to be a bump ride and Disney didn’t write this tale so there’s no happily ever after.
And I’m reminding everyone to GO VOTE!
I’ve never felt as disappointed and ashamed of the country
Most intelligent and decent people are ashamed or embarrassed of the U.S. today.
There are those of us that feel it. We have felt it. We pleaded for people to vote for Harris. We tried to tell people how serious the situation was. It didn’t matter.
Krasnov performed exactly as his master, Putin, instructed. The Russians have landed - in the White House.
I checked a few parts for a few minutes. It was too painful to watch.
Troomp and JD couch showed the worst traits leaders could have. The obvious ones are the American superiority complexes and the toxic need to escalate and talk down upon others.
In all of the bits I saw when skipping trough it, Zelenksy deescalated the situation multiple times while Trump and especially Vance escalated and started talking like some pretentious teenager bullies that gotten themselves a country.
Fuck the USA.
The only thing missing was Trump shouting “hold me back bro!” and pretending Vance was holding him back.
As an American, fuck the USA.
As a Canadian, fuck the US eh
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One of my issues with the video is that Trump is “aligned” with everyone and keeps saying that Ukraine has to make concessions while he never says Russia will. In the last press meeting he even hinted that it will be difficult to have Putin give back occupied territories. I forget the exact words, but it was after the Elon part.
As usual, Trump is projecting. Someone is “gambling with WWIII,” but it sure ain’t Zelenskyy.
Anyone who thought this would work out differently was simply not paying attention or was being willfully ignorant.
US provided a deal Zelinsky simply could not sign and they knew it. Chump set Zelinsky up for this shit show cause, in his world, Chump either gets the deal he wants or he gets to act/look tough.
And how masculine/tough to have Couchie there backing him up cause Chump isn’t brave enough to do it all on his own.
And, of course, all concludes with disastrous results all around.
🤦♀️ 🖕 🖕 🤡
Trump’s Hot Take: If someone breaks into your home, begins stealing stuff and murdering your family, just stand by. You don’t want to cause a stir.
Trump’s Hot Take: Give me half your stuff and I’ll help you stop that other thief/murderer.
It’s a great deal because he’s gonna take everything.
He’s specifically saying he won’t help them stop Russia he’s saying he’ll help a cease fire which Russia always breaks, legit I don’t know of a single cease fire Russia has ever honored.
Even with Sweden they’d lose make peace then try again
Yeah and when you go to take that deal, he and his little brother berate you, blame you for being the victim, and tell you the deal’s off.
US gets to be the Nazis this time.
Are we taking turns or…?
On my turn I vote we just do a lot of speed and forget about all the rest of it. Maybe we’ll do some amateur rocketry too
Trump wants zelenaky to take peace at any cost… Zelenaky won’t take that offer and wants assurances. Trump insults him as a war monger who wants ww3??
God what an example of political double speak. Trump is a lying idiot and he’s the one gambling with ww3
Someone is “gambling with WWIII,
Could it be the deranged wanna-be dictator/mobster, and associates, who want to seize Canada, Greenland and Panama?
Honestly fuck it we know appeasment doesn’t work, I’d rather have WW3 now when Ruzzia is still just a middle power with a ton of second hand equipment than let them take half of eastern europe and build up some serious strength before finally having WW3 anyway.
Any government who spend billions on wars is gambling with WWIII
Shows his worst self
His honest self
which is just the worst.
There is no other self. This is what he is.
His only self, even.
CIA used to kill presidents for less. Sometimes American ones too.
AFAIK, it’s not clear if the CIA ever killed a president.
They surely gave guns and taught other people how to do it. But I don’t think they ever did it themselves.
They generally just overthrew the government and called it a day.
Brings up memories of the South Park episode of the CIA or FBI where the boys found out the organization was trying to project themselves to be more powerful than they actually are, and intentionally wanting people to believe scary rumors about them.
My take on it is if that’s what we can find out about these clandestine orgs then the truth is almost certainly at least slightly more incriminating. I dont trust them to tell or record the truth when they can’t even pass an audit.
They really need to step in here, before Putin moves into the white house permanently
The CIA is in the business of installing despots, not removing them.
I feel like no one who could have a sway (aside from the mass who is not organized and still devided at the moment) would benefit from trump not being in power. That’s a lot of negatives, let me rephrase: I feel that no one with the power to influence—aside from the masses, who, if organized, could have significant sway—has much incentive to act, as they benefit from Trump being in power.
Why would any nation that does not have nukes not start making nukes right now?
The USA has shown over and over, it’s the only thing we take seriously. We don’t give a fuck until you have nukes. We don’t care about treaties, alliances, deals. We only care if you can start the nuke wars. Anything else is just “how can we take advantage of you?”
Also … World, I understand you’re not reading this, but for the three of ya that do, boycott us. Tariff the shit out of us. You got this, and thanks for all the fish.
Unfortunately Ukraine was part of the Budapest Memorandum. With this they gave up their nuclear armament in an agreement that "prohibited Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom and France from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, “except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.”
So they gave up their nukes with the agreement that they would be safe from these 4 groups. However that didn’t do shit for them, thus a huge reason why any SeasFire(Ceasefire, my bad) would have to have some big security backing. As Russia has ignored all prior agreements.
Exactly why the lesson any other non-nuclear armed country should learn is to get the nukes
I mean at this point all that’d be left is the IAEA, and the US’s nuclear inspectors are probably all fired by now so yeah sure what’s stopping them?
What is SeasFire?
A ceasefire?
Oof. That’s a hell of a case of “bone-apple tea” if I’ve ever heard one. It undermines the credibility of the whole comment.
What you say feels right, and it is breaking my heart
Prof. John Mearshmeyer have been talking about great power’s expansionism and it’s relation to nuclear armament since at least 2015.
Yup. And when Russia invaded Ukraine, everyone called him a Russian puppet because of course America would never!
As an American,
It’s too hard. Yeah, we understand the required specs, but the precision machines and rare ores are internationally monitored. Tom Clancy’s The Sum of All Fears was eye opening as to what the terrorists had to go through to make a single bomb. And it fizzled into a “normal” atom bomb.
And I’m not even talking about the experts involved, a physics degree ain’t gonna get it. The precision machining for the tooling alone is mind blowing, then you gotta fab the actual parts. Again, you’re not getting people like that in a room with a LinkedIn ad, and it would be noticed, very noticed, if you tried.
Now if you want to skip 3-stage hydrogen bombs and just roll an atom bomb, still tough, but much more doable.
tl;dr: The nuclear powers would come down on you like a ton of bricks if a country even tried starting a program. See: Iran.
See Pakistan.
Shit can work out. Russia has plenty of peeps looking for seedy revenue streams
I really need to check out Sum of All Fears again.
That truly is mind blowing to think about, the level of expertise you mentioned and the tooling. Imagine, just think about it, if it were put to use for something other than the potential to obliterate millions in an instant…
Makes a man shed a tear, a bit.
I don’t know exactly how to put this, but I feel personally embarrassed by this.
I think this is going to shift world order more than expected. Every country now must be nuclear. Trump is going to try to install himself as a dictator. I think violence will have to be the answer. Man it’s depressing.
I’m pissed. There was always a simple answer. Freeze the front line and make it clear to Putin that Ukraine is now their version of Taiwan. They could keep trying to attack but the Ukrainians are now backed by the full might of the American military. They can keep what they already have but anything else is a step too far.
Yeah it’s possible Zelensky doesn’t go for that deal but damn, they didn’t even try for the simplest option that stops the fighting, gets the payments Trump so desperately wants and guarantees Ukraine’s security. They literally just presented an extortion scheme as the only option, with “trust me bro” as the guarantee.
i bet their plan is to go into places already ravaged by the war, look for valuable mining opportunities, if not, trump branded fuckin cesspools. they don’t even care if there ARE valuable mining deposits.
Oh Trump isn’t looking for anything. He just wants Ukraine to ship us rare earths instead of adding the decades old refinery tech back into the US minerals sector.
That’s the best part of this whole thing by the way. We do have plenty of rare earths accessible in the US. We even have all the raw material mines we would require. They’re just being lazy.
yeah but trump has his little nose in the ground. if he secures rights to mining in Ukraine, he can farm that out as deals and favors. trump is transactional.
yeah, rare earths are a misnomer - they are not rare, they are not highly concentrated in one spot. if the price goes up, exploiting other deposits becomes worthwhile. damn, there is a deposit in Kärnten / Austria that is just not yet profitable to develop; thats an area where mining goes back centuries.
And if, let’s say he did go for it, they’d sell him out anyway. We freaking know it.
Here’s an apology letter you can sign if you want
Shame the cloudflare VPN wall doesnt let me sign it. It just loops a captcha at me that insta-fails.
Every country now must be nuclear.
Unless you want a nuclear war NO country needs to be nuclear
I can’t wait for Trump to die
Real Art of The Deal shit.
Absolute fucking masterclass in statesman-like diplomacy.
Genuinely a moment for all Americans to be proud of. Truly, exceptional.
Coming from YouTube, all the comments were saying Trump put Zelenksy in his place… are people actually that stupid, or is the whole internet edgy rightwing bots?
Your comment had me go to YouTube to check, and almost all the top 30 comments were pro Zelensky.
I wonder if YouTube shows you different ‘top’ comments based on their profile on you
Possible, they don’t seem to be sorted by either time, replies or likes.
YouTube has some sort of sorting algorithm, but I have no idea what it sorts by. I’ve had a video open, looked at some of the comments, then come back the next day, refreshed the page, and had a new set of comments at the top from the same time period, with no discernible pattern to why they’re positioned where they are. You might find the top comment you saw previously with 1.5k likes 10 comments down the next day and a comment with 200-400 likes at the top, followed by a comment with 7k likes you didn’t see previously, and all from 5 months ago when the video was first posted.
I guess I could look for a different channel to watch. However, stepping outside the echo chamber is probably not a bad idea once in a while.
Wow! Because YT commenters tend to be a particular kind of stupid.
A good chunk of the comments will be straight up Russian propaganda. Another good chunk will be Americans who have bought into that propaganda wholeheartedly.
It’s an embarrassing time to be an American.
Trump got elected twice, so I fear it might just be people.
I showed a clip of the meeting to someone I know and that is pretty much what they said.
We are so fucked.
The comment section of the video I watched said otherwise. Was the one you watched on the Fox channel by any chance? They be like that.
It was a left leaning UK channel, weirdly enough
What channel?
Think it was this video:
Looks like the comments are slightly more sane now than they were when I first saw it, which is good.
Huh, yeah that’s surprising. I guess people are dicks all over the world.
Don’t forget the ungodly amount of bots out there.
god maga folk are the most unamerican beyond belief. The whole greatest generation is rolling over in their graves.
They voted in a Russian agent as the president. They are beyond evil. They are traitors.
Finally a f**king actual headline. That was a disaster and a disgrace for all Americans. I can’t take these meek be “explosive White House meeting, where maybe Trump was possibly speaking angrily, but please Mr. Trump don’t sue us, if you disagree!”
I just can’t understand why Vance would interpret Zelenskyy as being disrespectful for politely, calmly, and carefully articulating his point of view on how diplomacy has failed him and his country. Vance seems like the type of person I would basically laugh at and walk away from if I were in a situation to have to hear him be “alpha and in-charge”.
It was like watching a scene from an episode of a reality TV show from the early 2000s.
Because they went in wanting to find a way to make Zelenskyy seem unreasonable. They have no intention of helping Ukraine at all and now it’s going to be because he didn’t immediately kiss Trumps feet.
I just wonder what type of people saw that and thought Zelenskyy was the unreasonable one? It’s rhetorical, I know what type of people think that… sadly.
It was like watching a scene from an episode of a reality TV show from the early 2000s.
That’s not a coincidence.
I mean, the “president” is the guy from The Apprentice. 🤮
He didn’t, he was just saying that it was disrespectful cause he wanted to show what a good little bitch he is.
Love how the guy who said “I’ll make up whatever stories I need to” told Zelenskyy, after being asked if he’s seen what Ukraine is going through: “Oh I haven’t personally been there but I’ve seen stories.”
Stories from where, vice couch-humper? RT News?
It actually sounded like he was about to say he had actually been there, then realized he was about to lie about that to a guy who would immediately recognize and likely call him out for lying, so he then course corrected with a seriously lame response.