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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Here’s the section again.

    Congress shall have the power … To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

    If they deem the regulatory power of agencies like the FCC to be necessary to carry out something in the entire list of powers I ellipsed; then it is constitutional. And no amount of “fixing” would work as long as we have a captured court ignoring the Constitution, straight up lying about it and about history.

  • Ahh yes the people who openly take bribes from the wealthy elite ruled that the government can not regulate the wealthy elite. I’m so surprised. Are we listening to the Fox’s opinions on gate to the chicken roost too now?

    It’s in plain text for all to see. This isn’t some highly technical debate that this court was the first to see the light on. Chevron was 4 decades old and has supporting decisions from the supreme courts reaching back to st least the 1940’s. But sure, these guys saw something different suddenly. And it had nothing to do with the massive amounts of money they’ve received from billionaires.

    And no. Not using the specific words, “declaration of war” doesn’t mean anything. Congress had to pass the AUMF bills the same as a declaration of war. Declaring open war was always a possibility.

  • ISPs are just transmitting a different kind of data on the same infrastructure backbone as the rest of our telecommunications. Don’t act like it’s some huge difference.

    And they are doing their jobs, they’d have to hire exponentially more staffers to go over what was in bills or just vote the way their preferred donor says to vote. Which do you think is more likely there?

    Congress has the power to delegate regulations, they used that power, and now a radical judiciary is claiming the plain text of the Constitution doesn’t mean what it clearly means.

  • Setting up a Commission and giving it regulatory power is very much in the power of Congress. The Constitution literally says

    Congress shall have the power … To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

    So they are well within their rights to pass a law setting up the FCC to promulgate regulations based on the Telecommunications Act. They are also well within their rights to pass a law recognizing the President’s emergency military power, restraining it, and formalizing the process to declare war with different words. Both of which are things they have done. The FCC didn’t magic this shit out of nowhere, and Iraq and Afghanistan were the result of Congressional votes in favor of an AUMF, as outlined in the War Powers Act.

    This idea that shit happens willy-nilly is fucking propaganda meant to normalize it so people don’t think it’s weird when a corrupt politician tries it.

  • The thing is Congress doesn’t have time to deal with technical details. That’s why they passed a law authorizing the FCC to make exactly this kind of regulation. The conservative courts throwing everything they don’t like under the Major Questions Doctrine is just a way to make sure regulation never happens and Corporations are free to exploit people however they want. The problem here isn’t the FCC, it’s bad faith judges with the power to stop the entire government.

  • So much Death. Just so much. For reference look at the aircraft carrier HMS United Kingdom in World War 2. The world’s only unsinkable ship, capable of producing it’s own weapons even. Now update that to 2024 with modern, missiles, torpedoes, and submarines. China would likely win a protracted, non nuclear, limited engagement. But not before significant areas in China and the entirety of Taiwan were nothing but a rubble hellscape.

    So at the end of the day, the obvious price of death and destruction, even without nukes. But in the past Presidents have made clear that Taiwan is under the MAD umbrella. So non-nuclear is not a given, and of course we all lose in a nuclear scenario.