At least count I’m pretty sure the UK, Sweden, and Australia have all said they’d be willing to put troops into Ukraine for peacekeeping.
At least count I’m pretty sure the UK, Sweden, and Australia have all said they’d be willing to put troops into Ukraine for peacekeeping.
I’m willing to bet a country, especially ones involved in the production, aren’t going to have too much trouble.
That was the F-22 and it was over a decade ago. The problem has since been fixed.
I haven’t seen that. I’ve only seen blogs saying stuff. And if you have the literal hardware in your hands then changing the software isn’t going to be hard as a country.
I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the President has a 30 day authority to use the military anywhere in the world. After 30 days he needs congressional authority. He can get a second 30 days while that’s going on and if Congress says no then he has to remove all troops within a final 30 day period.
If Congress never says anything then he effectively has a blank check.
Your best bet would actually be to run TV Ads trying to get the military to refuse the order. I think a large percentage actually would. I also think he’s going to invade Mexico first and if he does invade Canada he’ll do it like the Russians did Ukraine. (They told their troops it was a training mission and then only told them at the border that it was real)
Well shit that’s an easy fix. Redirect it to your server.
There’s nothing stopping Canada from getting the manuals and patching the software. Most of the FUD about it’s performance abilities is propaganda. So getting them and just locking out Lockheed and the US would be a pretty good middle finger too.
Yes California has one Sewage Crisis. But what about Second Sewage Crisis?
Oh look we changed the formula for Horrible Death Liquid tm by one molocule. Anyways we’ll just throw that in the reservoir behind the elementary school, what could go wrong?
You’re missing that SCOTUS has taken the mask off and is complicit in the destruction of the regulations for the benefit of their elite donors. (Yes I know they don’t campaign, yes I know what I said. Watch John Oliver talk about RV’s if you need more context.)
San Francisco has been shifting conservative for a while. A bunch of tech millionaires want to turn it into a futuristic dystopia.
In that specific match up the F-35 would win the majority of the time. The Rafale would win when it was able to get inside the F-35’s missiles. The problem is a modern fighter versus fighter engagement starts with long range missiles launches. So the side that sees first launches first. Then they go into tight S turns to keep radar tracking on their missiles while maintaining range. At some point the enemy also acquires them on radar and does the same thing. They will keep doing this until the enemy missiles reach a minimum distance and they will dive and turn away with chaff. This breaks the radar link but you’re hoping the missiles are close enough to acquire targets on their own. So the side that sees the other one first and launches first, even by a few seconds gains a massive advantage. That’s what stealth tech is about.
Now that said, there is a Euro stealth fighter in the works, but it’s not expected until 2040.
Are we also derailing Chinese and Russian power, and magically disarming all the nukes? Or are we just shitting on America and hoping nobody realizes that means there’s going to be a power vacuum?
The president was always able to stop aid under certain conditions. Trump is just going to certify that one of those conditions exist no matter how ridiculous it is.
So the record currently stands at…
Zelensky - Let’s try a deal, we just need security guarantees
Trump - Why are you so Disrespectful?
Zelensky - Let’s try a deal, we just need security guarantees
Trump - Putin is a victim we’re undoing sanctions
Zelensky - Let’s try a deal, we just need security guarantees
Trump - Why won’t Zelensky do a deal?
Zelensky - Let’s try a deal, we just need security guarantees
Trump - We’re stopping Aid.
You do indeed need to pass the orange test. They hold a Florida Orange up and if you aren’t at least that shade of orange you have to abide by the law.
Only if Congress specifically passed the sanctions. Usually it’s a bill that directs the president to sanction people fitting a description. Which effectively makes it a decision for the president.
I hate you.
The F-35 isn’t likely to have this problem as it’s a joint project. Any kill switch software would be evident to the project members.
That’s not an unusual amount of code for programming.