That’s fantastic, I can’t wait to go home and install it
That’s fantastic, I can’t wait to go home and install it
hydraulic bollocks
Oh they’ll still blame President Biden
It’s satire, that real people believe in
After having read the article, it looks like it was probably intentional
I mean yeah, it’s pretty unlikely, or we’d probably have seen more of these fires already.
My money is on the owner doing/transporting something stupid. Stupider than buying a cybertruck, I mean
Electric Dreams did an autofac episode that was really good
Doing something wrong isn’t made better by threatening to do it first
The port is legal. The trick is that it doesn’t include any Nintendo IP-- you have to supply your own ROM
Which distro do you recommend?
Luck of the draw, it was found in a dev Wii
That’s what they said
The man needs oil to sell to please his owners, and belligerently trying to force the EU to increase their purchases is just another one of his hare-brained schemes.
That’s why he’s trying to force an increase in demand
Whether or not Jews are white depends entirely on which is convenient for the people in power at the time.
That’s really how whiteness works for everyone since the meaning expanded beyond just Anglo-Saxon Protestants
I think there’s zero chance he turns out to be a great president, but there’s probably a decent chance he’d turn out to be a mediocre president
I think it has more to do with an authority figure telling them to do something
Which is weird, because they love authority figures