Fanciful wishes are a loss of reality. Someone who thinks they are king is not likely to be sane in this day and age.
Yes he did, however this is just wishful thinking and talking shit. You know the general purview of the mentally unfit.
Fanciful wishes are a loss of reality. Someone who thinks they are king is not likely to be sane in this day and age.
Yes he did, however this is just wishful thinking and talking shit. You know the general purview of the mentally unfit.
That doesn’t make it less stupid and fanciful and that was my point dude.
Well no. Mandatory Palestine which specifically was not a country… Wasn’t a country.
It’s an effective lie because it includes hints of truth.
No because it that situation you still did the thing, here he’s just playing about prosperity gospel shit where of you just believe it’ll happen.
It doesn’t though, that only works on very specific things that aren’t as easily disproven by something like the existence of an entire country.
No one is taught that in school, parents say that shit.
No one said it wasn’t, you’re taking offense to things that were never said.
Probably but I don’t think we’ve had an actual doctor come to any conclusion and probably won’t until he’s dead. Barring that Trump does the same shit but instead of freezing he just goes full word salad. It also seems like he’s having some pretty severe mobility issues.
Yeah that’s still fucking dumb because it’s not a state. You don’t call the car you want to buy “your car” because it just isn’t.
Well no, Putin couldn’t openly declare war without forcing Europe to get involved, if they claim it’s anything else we’ll that’s more grey.
Governor? It’s he really referring to the Canadian prime Minister as though he is the governor of a state? And they said Biden was losing his grasp on reality.
Good thing you don’t need to read to understand a photograph that was literally everywhere because of how powerful it was.
Again, not helpful just preachy. Your country had civil war or colonial uprising for 50 out of a hundred years. We all have our issues and we’re trying to solve them, this high horsed bullshit really isn’t helping anything. You don’t have any actual ideas about how to solve it you just have haughty quips and weird self righteousness.
No one asked you to be in mate. As it would you, help out instead of talking shit.
That’s an actual argument though not at all a plan, yes we all hope things turn around, talking shit on the Internet from your high horse isn’t productive and you’re more likely to turn people off of what you’re saying then turn them onto it.
Maybe start trying instead of insulting and being defensive.
I didn’t stay the insulting and offensive behavior, you did.
Like I care if you offend me on the internet.
You can be high horse javi or you can be crybaby carl, it’s very weird to try to be both.
Now let’s look into the Portuguese revolution there’s been like 6 and mmm maybe 4 in the last hundred or so years. Let’s give you the benefit of a doubt and say you might be old enough your parent was in either the 1910 or 1974 revolution.
74 also called the carnation revolution, mostly non violent which is kinda dope. Any idea where they got the carnation idea? I do, it was the 1967 March on the Pentagon and one of the most famous protest photos of all time. Now this sounds great but it’s a bit hidden behind the two decades of colonial civil war prior to the revolution. So we’re exactly 19 years and like 320 days ahead of that schedule.
Let’s take a look at 1910, again the prelude being colonial civil war and this time one they lost and were made to retreat by the English in 1890. So that’s 30 years of strife and internal wars so again we’re 29 years and about 320 days ahead of schedule on that one too.
Tell me how we speed run this thing since we don’t have colonies to send into civil war che.
That’s not an argument dipshit hit us with your competent plan to turn this around and we’ll join behind you but all you’ve offered is derision and haughty quips.
He’s specifically saying he won’t help them stop Russia he’s saying he’ll help a cease fire which Russia always breaks, legit I don’t know of a single cease fire Russia has ever honored.
Even with Sweden they’d lose make peace then try again
No defense agreement at all as far as I can tell. Just some ambiguous insinuation that trump and Russia will make a better deal because of it.
A protection racket involves actual protection though, the USA has specifically said no security agreements will be made.
I’m not sure wtf Ukraine is giving them rights for.
Revenge porn statutes they’re often intent based but still.
It’s not legal in itself no. Possessing photos or video given to you is not illegal, distributing them is however illegal. Once you get caught and convicted of distributing them things can get a bit grey and no one has really pushed the limit too much to find it’s outer extremes.
Im pretty sure he thinks all these weapons deals are donations, they aren’t.
If I’m understanding it correctly he can’t just stop and he can’t run an election. He was the last elected official is well liked by his people and most of the world, he could appoint someone but that seems more dictatorial or monarchist than holding an office I think most everyone would rather not hold at the moment.
Yes you do.
I can’t find a reference to that but China did 17 minutes in January this year. I think you’re confusing the announcement that they increased power by 17x while maintaining plasma.
This test was 20 minutes at a higher power setting without being incredibly destructive, that’s their milestone.
No one said otherwise.