to be fair it does not take much for my fire tv stick to freeze up and crash
to be fair it does not take much for my fire tv stick to freeze up and crash
Will be interesting to see where this goes. I know I have said it before and they might not think im serious but so help me satan I will read books. Do they want that!
what happens when you answer wrong?
Your still limited in your distribution and there are tradeoffs. So you will not be able to do 20 stat checks for all stats and you will not have access to level 20 perks but its a pretty small amount of stuff. So its possible but its not like the generalist can do everything a min maxer can do in their maxed stats. Its pretty generous though so if you have the dlc you can max 3 out of 5 stats and off the two that are left you can nearly max one of those so even min maxing is really just a matter of identifying a dump stat. I like the generalist build though. I find I can do any playstyle really with 15 in each stat rather than 20 and again its just missing a level 20 checks (with the dlc one stat can even still be 20) and perks that I kinda consider to be overkill in most cases.
unfortunately they are prioritizing areas their voters do not live int so the ones living with it won’t be their people.
its all projection. if it were them in that situation it would be the purge.
well would you look at that. its on again today.
I will say there is something to be said for out of the box experience. Im on zorin mainly because it has a lot out of the box. Granted its not a great gaming one necessarily as it is stability focused over bleeding edge but I could see ones where the gaming elements are ready right after install as being desirable.
I was like. Hey I recognize this one. You sorta missed out as the game mechanics were massively changed. In the old version I could not really do a jack of all trades but in the new one I found jack of all trades works out great.
I really wish Plutocracy was used more because its not just that its a small group but in particular that politcal power is on a per dollar basis.
oath of office does not require much close contact though and is sorta a witness to what he swore if he were to lets say. break it again.
Was he in the honey mooners?
Im a little worried about michelle. She was not at carters funeral unless I missed it. Granted they were seated next to trump.
I think thats the point. If you move there homeless you will get the benefit but if you moved there for a job and got an apartment or what not but then hit on hard times you can get benefits.
republicans don’t want the law at all. These type of thing is such a false equivalency. Residency requirments for state public benefits is a fairly common thing. It keeps states that encourage things like homelessness and don’t have very good safety nets from exporting it all to more well run states that do.
I sorta need this explanation. Some fucked up shit.
I did a thing like this but with a ios command that wrote the disk to image and piped it to ssh but then piped it back to a waiting drive. It was great as you could pull the disk and boot right off it. Do you know if that can be done with dd?
You sound like someone not from chicago. We have a grid system and transfers between bus and train are free. In addition a fare is currently at most two dollars fifty cents and a day pass good for all trains and busses for 24hours is five bucks. Sure there might be all sorts of better aspects to transit at many places but for getting from A to B affordably chicago can’t be beat.
its amazing how nice it is now and makes sense for most people. I should have way before this but it was a thing with my wife. still can’t get her to take the plunge though.