That’s certainly a take on “family business”.
That’s certainly a take on “family business”.
OTOH, it’s possible he’s consciously splitting with the US in hopes of getting the EU with him. Long term, could be smart.
Yup. And when Russia invaded Ukraine, everyone called him a Russian puppet because of course America would never!
If anything mismanagement is a kindness - a word that inspires the same whiff of medieval buffoonery as “death by misadventure,” as though Haddad and co simply had one too many flagons of mead, stumbled into the wrong paddock on the way home and got several hundred people’s careers kicked in the head by a cow.
Hahaha holy shit!
That, nukes, NATO… It may have been rank anglophobia, but man, did history prove him right…
…Especially since the alternative could be just charging him with treason or something.
So what you’re saying is, the complaint about China spying on people boils down to piracy?
Don’t bother. People here would rather have Putin as god-emperor than face the reality of institutional failure that got them here. Twice.
“Whatever happened to the non-aligned movement?”
“He’s over there.”
Clown-on-clown violence
Of course they do, but why waste a chance to appear as doing something?
Oh, sure, especially if it’s the same few users. It’s just mildly surprising to not even run into them.
Really? You never ran into the endless “…furthermore, .ml must be defederated” posts?
CNN is just a bystander in this conflict
Because otherwise they’d have to consider blaming someone not to their left.
There’s always the worst possible option: they’re true believers. They genuinely believe the rest of the world is freeloading on the US, and that (atlas) shrugging them off will make everyone else collapse.
It’s Russia for the same reason it was voting machines and woke professors and DEI: it’s a handy way of pretending the country isn’t really like that, and if only we got rid of <group> things would go back to normal. Because if it’s not, you’d have to face the reality of a country that elected both Trump and Obama. Twice.
LMAO, even.
I didn’t know KenM had a lemmy account!