some private trackers won’t let you use uTorrent either, good.
Damn, I don’t know the context but this is cool af
Why torrent when you can use newsgroups? No need to seed, just download and done. Haven’t torrented for 10 years.
Don’t you need to pay to be able to get access?
Depends on how much you download. You can pay a once-off payment for a block of data and it lasts indefinitely. I’ve got a 5TB block I’ve had for over 10 years.
Yes, but not a massive amount. I pay annually and it works out to about $7-8 a month for 50mbps of bandwidth and unlimited downloads. Then use *arr apps and sabnzbd to manage everything.
I mean it’s completely valid if you find that to be a better deal than torrenting, but I can use my full 500 mbps bandwidth for free.
It depends on how you look at it.
You pay for your internet. Isn’t that you paying to pirate?
If it is then it’s only a factor of cost. He pays slightly more for Usenet access and internet access and then he pirates.
If it’s not then it’s not a factor of cost and it’s only a factor of pedantism.
I need to have access to the Internet anyway. In fact, having it makes me a decent amount of money. You could say it costs me negative several thousand euros a month. Piracy or scrolling Lemmy is a bonus.
Getting Usenet means additional cost, but the only benefit is piracy. Therefore, it’s paying to pirate.
So you pay for piracy
Pay a subscription to watch subscription content for free!
I mean, I don’t use the service but, $7-8 a month that gives you access to everything versus 14 to $16 a month per streaming service on everything else. It sounds like they’re still getting a steal at a more convenient rate.
Being said, yeah there is plenty of free options that could be being done as well so there is that argument
Yes? If I could get everything in one place then I would happily pay for that. I don’t pirate to save money. Saving money is just a nice sideeffect. I pirate because it’s literally more convenient than juggling 15 different services.
didn’t realize people were still using utorrent. been at least a decade since it was decent
Has anyone even used uTorrent in the last decade?
I remember on Reddit I’d see like a post a month from some uneducated pirate person asking how to fix a utorrent issue. It was fun watching them try to justify using it with all the other legit, updated clients. It didn’t ever go well for the OP.
I mean if they want to use it despite being told the state of things then who cares? There’s nothing to win here, it’s their pc
I couldn’t care less if someone on the internet harms their pc because they want to be right 100% of time
lol, true dat. It was fun fucking with them too
i still see it in my peers list
I used 2.2.1 well into the last decade. Every version after that was either pointless or full of some sort of malware.
you would not believe how common it is. It’s like making a class of highschoolers take a colorblindness test. There’s always ONE who had no idea
sidenote, it’s really sad how the education system won’t even spend 10 minutes a year to diagnose something that effects millions of children. There’s FREE websites that they can just open on their board or projector
If they would support a client like Rain I would actually switch to the *arr stack.
Don’t need to support every client, if the client supports folder monitor you can use blackhole
I thought people either used the old 2.2.1 version or jumped ship. Had no idea it was still going.
Same, I was under the impression that this was fairly common knowledge, but it’s good to have it openly announced by some authority on the matter.
There’s a migration program to transfer torrents from utorrent to qbittorrent.
I remember using it way back when, and they’ve kept it updated.
Isn’t it as simple as exporting all torrents as
files, importing them in qB, then pointing qB to the same downloads folder?Some people have torrents across various directories or even renamed files in them (yes, it’s possible and useful for crossseeding between trackers with different naming schemes). Of course, this makes migration way more difficult.
Only a decade late… Luckily qBittorrent is brilliant.
To be fair, if you set up a Servar stack, you should already know enough not to use utorrent.
Transmission has never let me down.
My only gripe was that it doesn’t handle (unencoded) spaces in a URL name, which is probably correct behavior but they’re in the titles of torrents on some sites, so I’d have to manually edit them each time. I ended up just using qBT.
It gets messed up when downloading files onto a slow smb share but that’s mostly my bad
Its Single-threaded
True. Sometimes it’s weird about packed files, and cleaning up after itself. Still worth it.
It doesn’t have a proper dark theme in Windows so it let me down when it flashbanged me.
I’ve always used Transmission, since there’s a Docker container I use that bakes in your VPN-of-choice & a killswitch.
That said, it looks like it hasn’t been updated in over a year… I wonder if there’s anything else out there that does the same thing as this. (EDIT: Yes. Google brings up plenty of choices.)
I been using Transmission since it came out 20 years ago. I never understood why you would use anything else.
It’s FOSS and has the simplest interface with all the options.
Throughout the years I’ve seen so many of these apps get mass-adopted, then a few years later some issue comes up that makes people mass-exodus to another app and it starts all over again.
Meanwhile, Transmission has been consistent (and you can self-host/run seedboxes with it).
You can set qBittorrent to only use a certain interface, and set that to the wireguard interface of your VPN.
I switched from that container to one that uses qbittorrent and a VPN.
qBittorrent web UI works better on a phone for my use case, and I kept having to manually restart the transmission container whenever the VPN connection dropped.
I run qBittorrent on a server (with a VPN as the only outside connection) and use an open source app to control it from my mobile devices. It can catch magnet: links and torrent files and send them to qBittorrent via its API.
I was never a huge fan of those binhex containers assuming that’s what you’re using. Updates become a chore for maintainers when containers try to do too much and they also become responsible for making sure everything works together. Also, just me, but I don’t like the idea of funneling other traffic that needs a vpn through a container that is tightly coupled to my torrent client.
Recommend trying a standalone transmission container and using a gluetun container’s network.
Do people still use transmission? That seems like be the default one I see in prebuilt torrent server containers.
There are other options such as qbittorrent or deluge though I would not recommend deluge due to IP leaks and it hasn’t been updated since 2022
It’s not bad but it’s pretty bare. People like their bells and whistles these days.
Transmission’s minimal features is what I like about it.
Does Transmission let you force the use of a specific connection?
For example, qBittorrent lets you choose your VPN as its only allowed connection so that you can’t accidentally use your regular network when not connected to the VPN.
I use transmission but I force this behavior in pfsense
Hi! Could you give me some details or a link that describes how to do that? I’d like to harden my install. Thank you! :)
In the settings panel, the Advanced section has a setting for network interface, with a drop down menu of your available network devices. Your VPN connection should appear as a separate device in the list. If you choose that, it will only send data through that device, so if you’re not connected, it has nowhere to send data to.
The github only has a description of the setting, and doesn’t really explain it any more than that.
Thank you so much! :)
in qBittorrent: Tools > Options > Advanced > Network Interface. That dropdown box should list things like your Wi-Fi connection, Ethernet connection, etc., including an option that sounds like your VPN provider. If you run into troubles, do an Internet search for “qbittorrent network interface” for various articles and guides.
Thank you so much! :)
transmission-cli path-to.torrent
speak for yourself. if it’s pretty bare, it just moved to the top of my list
Then enjoy. It just isn’t for a lot of people. You have helped as a statistic to the original question though.
For me the best are:
- Qbittorrent
- Transmission QT
- Ktorrent
- Deluge
Special mention: BiglyBT Fork of Azureus without the shit of Azureus
Oh there’s the other person who remembers the original Azureus!
Okay I’m kidding, it was fairly popular before it became Vomit… I mean Vuze. After it went to shit I bounced around till I found utorrent and then a bit later Transmission, Deluge and now Qbittorrent in a container.
It’s the default included with Ubuntu but they (Ubuntu) haven’t updated it to be the latest released version. You have to add their PPA.
I switched over to qbittorrent for better control over what happens after the files download a few years ago.
If it keeps newcomers from making mistakes in client choice it looks like a good thing to me?
But is the statement correct? What’s the story behind uTorrent?
μTorrent, or uTorrent (see pronunciation), is a proprietary adware BitTorrent client owned and developed by Rainberry, Inc.
That should be enough for any sane person. A proprietary bittorrent client is the worst joke i have heard in a while.
An adware whatever should also be avoided.
After uTorrent was brought by BitTorrent Inc, they started releasing new shady versions, first added ads then released uTorrent bundle with crypto mining software without user consent
They speedran the enshittification process, so quickly the term wasn’t even invented yet.
Yes. It stopped being good around 2010-2012 depending on who you ask. Unfortunately there are still plenty of old blog posts praising it.ΜTorrent
The parent company, bittorrent Inc got purchased by a serial crypto scammer Justin Sun at some point.
In March 2022, the SEC charged Rainberry with fraud for selling cryptocurrencies Tronix (TRX) and BitTorrent (BTT) as unregistered securities.
I think the SEC dropped all charges recently because the literal US government got on the payroll of Tether Inc, which basically runs the crypto show. Justin is just one of the appendages to the scheme.
Took long enough. uTorrent has been cancerous for a long time now.
at least 15 years lol
I honestly couldn’t say how long. I know I was late to the party on knowing what was going on with but even I moved on from it a long time ago now.
i used utorrent until a few years ago when i started caring enough to switch. old habit, like over 15 years ago when my mom taught me how to pirate, utorrent was good back then. don’t know why i kept using it for that long, i even had to block ads in it by editing the hosts file…
I think it just comes down to habit and wanting to keep things simple. The adage “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” exists for a reason, after all. I never even bothered going as far as to trying block the ads. They suddenly appeared for me one day but would never render, the panels just kept flashing at me. It might have been while looking up a fix - I can’t remember - but it was around that time that I also heard about the undisclosed mining issue so I quickly jumped ship. Been happily using qbittorrent ever since and now wouldn’t really be able to swap again thanks to finding a proper dark mode theme for it. So few others seem to have it and I have no idea what I’m doing with theme creation.