And I have hope the industry will start treating its workers well and its customers fairly.
Looks like we’ll all be disappointed.
And I have hope the industry will start treating its workers well and its customers fairly.
Looks like we’ll all be disappointed.
… is this just for optics or some sort of play at media control?
Skyrim is huge. I played it last year, going to all locations and doing main and side quests. That takes 100 hours or so.
Now I’m playing Elden Ring with SOTE, doing the same thing. I’m around 180h in and honestly I kind of want to finish by now.
So yeah, I don’t see 600 hours of playtime as a positive goal. Unless they mean expand the map but don’t keep up the content ratio. In that case, why the fuck would that be good? More travelling isn’t worth anything.
I recently thought I had to use it, dug up a 15 year old account, because some hardware utility for a mobile Brother printer was only available from the store. After installing the tool it turns out it didn’t even have the function I needed (firmware update of the printer).
That was annoying. And merely having the account signed in also prevented our IT support department from copying my user folder over to the new laptop properly, so we had to do it twice.
Now I’m happily back to not having apple id signed in. (Well… as happy as I can be while still having to use macOS)
Crunch time? That sounds bad. Are they having issues with project management?
lol, one of our suppliers just changed to them 1.5 years ago.
Someone managed to fuck the portal software up so much that all the ö you type in a support case get replaced by o, both in the webview and the emails. The ä and ü work fine. It’s extra fucked.
And our support team sits in Germany, we write in German sometimes. When we use English it is only for the benefit of their Tier 3 guys.
Plus the implementation of two factor sign in is now delayed by half a year already. It seems to me more developers could be helpful
If anything, passing the Turing test would be a necessary condition, but never a sufficient one.
Regarding your Peter Griffin meme: Us Swiss and our Austrian neighbors are pretty white on average, but even beyond that, the Czech, the Polish, Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians are very white on average.
On the contempt specifically? All I remember for sure at the moment was that Judge Lewis Liman will now draw adverse inference from the missing information. For example from the incomplete list of doctors, i.e. he will assume none of them are in Florida, and therefore there is less proof that Giuliani lives in that big house down in Florida. If that big house is found not to be his primary residence it will be handed over to Freeman and Moss. (Any secondary residences are fair game. Giuliani would prefer to hand over his New York residence apparently. So I hope he loses the one in Florida instead.)
That’s one of the things he’s dragging out. They are arguing about which is his real primary residency at the moment, because he would lose any other than his prime residency. He was arguing it was in Florida, but refused to produce the documents to prove it. (Asked for a list of his doctors, to see their locations he only provided last names, for example) and now Judge Lewis Liman has said enough, you’re in contempt and that he will now assume none of those doctors are in Florida.
He’s also “lost” the signed Jersey he was supposed to hand over. He gave them the car keys, but still not the title to it. And has not handed over his gold watch yet.
He’s being maximum cunty about it.
He was just ruled to be in contempt of court this Monday. He should start to tread lightly already.
Edit: That was in the New York court of Judge Lewis Liman, this one is in the Washington D.C. court of Judge Beryl Howell. I didn’t notice this earlier. Those two contempts are therefore unconnected from a procedural point of view.
Bunch of assholes. Hope it hits the responsible managers house and the office building.
[…]codenamed the Manhattan Project, like the World War II project of the same name, and the idea was to displace the Japanese[…]
a bit on the nose huh
I thought that was still not officially available, only forks or rebuilds of sorts?
That’s interesting thank you.
I only did it once for a school project involving translation of a film scene (also over a decade ago) but we just manually wrote an SRT file, that was miserable 😄
and yeah…the timestamps are the hardest part.
So, if you can tell us, how did the process work?
Do you run the video and type the subtitles in some program at the same time, and it keeps score of the time at which you typed, which you manually adjust for best timing of the subtitle appearance afterwards? Or did you manually note down timestamps from the start?
I never had an optical drive that had this connector, but it seems plausible that the relatively smaller pins could still carry enough power for it.
The most power hungy bit would probably be the spinning motor, and the mass being spun is much lower in an optical drive than for a magnetic drive platter.
Ah that rings a bell, some of my (older) PSU cables have one of those at the end after a daisy chain of SATA or Molex
Something like the rightmost in these pictures?
I think they are called Floppy connectors
The UK Conservative Party government managed to send 4 people who cooperated to Rwanda before they lost the elections. It only cost them 700 million pounds.