I thought San Francisco were supposed to be good guys? Why are they pulling the EPA in front of the Supreme Court? Just to save some money on their infrastructure at the cost of the public?
I thought San Francisco were supposed to be good guys? Why are they pulling the EPA in front of the Supreme Court? Just to save some money on their infrastructure at the cost of the public?
The Frankfurter Rundschau additionally writes
Wie Nikita Lofving, eine befreundete Kollegin Brösches der Zeitung sagte, soll das Tattoo-Equipment, das die Berlinerin bei sich trug, den Grenzbeamten als Verdachtsmoment ausgereicht haben, dass Brösche in den USA arbeiten wolle. Lofving sagte, Brösche habe lediglich sie tätowieren wollen – unter Freundinnen und eben nicht kommerziell.
Jessica had tattoo equipment with her to tattoo Nikita, but that equipment made the border police suspicious that she was trying to tattoo American customers illegally on her tourist visa.
Ohhh, ice for the required melting energy? I thought that would be offset by the more difficult handling and lower flow rates. Interesting.
Fiber buildouts were cancelled back in 2000 because multimode made existing fiber more efficient.
Sorry but that makes no sense in multiple ways.
First of all single mode fiber provides magnitudes higher capacity than multi mode.
Secondly the modal patterns depend on the physics of the cable, specifically its core diameter. Single mode fibers has a 9 micrometer core, multi mode 50 or 62.5 micrometers. So you can’t change the light modes on existing fiber.
Thirdly multi mode fiber existed first, so it couldn’t be the improvement. And single mode fiber was becoming the way forward for long distance transmission in 1982 already, and the first transatlantic cable with it was laid in 1988. So it couldn’t be the improvement of 2000 either.
You must mean something else entirely.
Yeah that game was unplayable for me. I rebind my keys, but there were functions hard bound to keys, probably from like debugging or something, so pressing them would execute two functions. Specifically it was camera rotation. That was disorientating as hell.
For one of my friends it kept crashing, and since you can’t save during the intro he had to play it 3 times or so.
His balls are within reach for stress relief.
It’s winter time and Santa Fe is at 7,000 ft (2130 m) of elevation.
Wow never would have expected that!
That’s way higher than our highest City in Switzerland, Davos, (which is also the heighest of Europe) at only 1560 m. Not to mention that Santa Fe is 7 times as populous as Davos.
I thought people either used the old 2.2.1 version or jumped ship. Had no idea it was still going.
That quote doesn’t tell us anything about the incubation period unfortunately.
First of all: Sorry, I made a mistake yesterday. I ment to say liquid but translated it wrong in my head
Now to your question, they are similar in some aspects, that’s what makes gasses and liquids both be considered fluids, so fluid dynamics apply to both for example.
The difference is how much the molecules in the liquid or gas interact: A lot in the liquid, not significantly in most gasses under standard conditions.
And the things is, the SLPM measure apparently relies on a characteristic of ideal gasses, that one mol of gas particles under standard conditions always takes a fixed volume 22.41 l. So now I’m confused why they would use it for hydraulic fluid, which sounds like a liquid to me.
Thanks, you succeeded hahaha.
From what I’m reading there this is a measure of mass flow rate of gas, expressed as volume per minute at some standard volume and pressure. Which makes some sense, you need those two parameters to be fixed so you can measure mass by volume.
And then I realized the OP article uses it for a fluid liquid 😂
Maybe a weird aside, but what does this mean?
pushing fluid at 40 standard liters per minute.
Are there “liters” other than the 10cm x 10cm x 10cm definition?
Weird, that poster was hung up in July 2024 and originally made the rounds then.
Why is Salad Lady still making public statements? She had her chance and sucked too much, she can retire from politics and do some manual work now.
You’re right that there are many drivers and people from manufacturers responsible for hardware families, but there still needs to be a maintainer for the subsystem as a whole.
That person reviews what the manufacturers and other contributors send in, to validate that things are still compatible where they touch in the kernel, and that the code is good enough. They then prep the commits of the subsystem for inclusion into the next kernel version and pass that to Linus, is my understanding.
Where did you read that? I only saw Johannes Berg saying he couldn’t maintain that stack too, after three days.
I would say that usually the courts see through thinly veiled attempts to put up a fake separation between decision makers and their positions. But lately I’m not sure of anything.
Wonder how long this will last. Bet they are burning angel investors money up to now, going public is the first step towards having to become profitable.