Your second word.
Migrated account from
Your second word.
What is Twidium’s deal? They are the most expensive and take the longest.
The biggest concern I have with Keepass is if the database gets corrupted, I can’t access anything.
So I end up doing two different databases: one for everyday use and a second database for critical “identity” functions like banking, Google, etc.
I’m almost at the point of wondering if it needs some sort of text-based backups (json or something similar) that can be encrypted and backed up in multiple places.
Costco is one of the very few for profit publicly traded companies that seem to have their head on straight.
If you haven’t already, listen to Acquired’s episode on Costco.
One of my favorite quotes that I’m going to butcher: raising prices is like a drug. Once you start doing it, it’s hard to stop. We choose to find value and savings the hard way and to keep our prices competitive. Raising prices is the last thing we do.
Baby Orange is making it damn near impossible for us to have any decent relations with any nation other than Russia and Israel.
Which, if I had to guess, is the point of Agent Cheeto and his handler.
I’m clutching my pearls as I type this.
I can provide a bit more of a qualified answer, backed up by my own observations and my research into running for office as well as my research in elections. It became an obsession after the 2020 election. With that in mind, take this with a grain of salt.
The TL;DR of the below: Democrats fall in love and Republicans Fall in Line
Broadly speaking, the people who consistently vote for Republicans and the people who vote for Democrats (i.e. their respective base) are very different. The Republican base favors control and order whereas the Democrat base favors cooperation and liberty.
Because of this, Republican politicians can get away with shit laws that are oppressive, that restrict rights, and basically allow people to be shitty to people who are different (read: white, cis, hetro people can be assholes to non-white, trans, non-hetro people). Even the most moderate Republican voter who is open-minded will still vote Republican because being “nice” is not a higher value than “order”. So even though Marjorie Taylor Greene or Donald Fucking Trump are complete assholes, because they write laws that protect them, they don’t have enough motivation to not vote for a Republican.
Contrast this with the Democratic base. For a moment, assume that Donald Trump, is just as disgusting, just as racist, just as misogynistic, but consistently voted progressively. You (assuming you are on the liberal side of the spectrum) would probably either not vote for him or actively vote against him. The Democrat base is also very large in that there are a lot of pockets of people who tend to vote Democrat, but only if you speak to their specific issue.
That’s why Democratic candidates often have to run a very tight, very structured, and near perfect campaign whereas Republicans can literally take a candidate who’s never been to a donut shop and have a gaff of him ordering a box of “whatever makes sense”.
While Republicans have a consistent base that votes, Democrats do not. Democrats have to win the “middle”, i.e. people who aren’t politically engaged and these people often fall into three categories:
There is a common denominator of these people: they are often privileged and have never been on the sharp end of a government action and don’t think it will happen to them. So campaigns have to spend time to try to convince them that it’s worth voting for them.
So, to answer your question as to why Democrats can’t just give zero fucks: they literally can’t do that and win elections. Democrats can’t keep their base if they do.
It’s worse than that. Their goal is to throw the legal equivalent to spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. Sometimes they get lucky and then you have a brick to add to historical precedence.
Hell, the age verification porn law is seen as unconstitutional but it’s held on.
The problem for MAGAs is that they want public executions for their enemies.
If anyone deserves the death penalty it’s Trump. We have proof he sowed sedition and conspired to start an insurrection.
The fact that he’s not in a supermax prison is a perversion of justice.
Broken clock and all that.
Though I don’t think Trump will official act him. He’s far too rich. Trump knows where his bread is buttered and isn’t going to risk Musk’s ire.
Trump needs Musk far more than Musk needs him
PayPal is not a bank. Your funds are NOT FDIC insured, no matter what their docs say.
Hol up…
You can pay to subscribe to someone on Twitter?!
NYC residents:
If you are picked for a jury, I know it can be annoying and take time out of your busy life. But honestly, it is the last purely democratic area of our life. The jury has the power to ensure the laws are fairly and equally applied.
Remember that your job as jury is to not only find the facts of the case but also to make sure that the charges fit the crime.
There is one more job you have: is the law correct in this specific crime?
Judges won’t tell you this. Prosecutors will make you leave this choice outside the courthouse. But you have it.
The responsibility of the jury is protected so that you cannot be held accountable or even questioned (in an official setting anyway) as to why you voted the way you did. You have the power to view the facts, know that the defendant is guilty, but vote to acquit because you believe the law is wrong in his case.
Don’t let prosecutors or the judge trick you.
All in Minecraft, of course.
I mean, what are the odds?
Chevron doctrine wasn’t overturned by a federal district court judge.
It was overturned by a group of regulatory captured supreme court justices.
Sure, all judges are important but let’s not placate ourselves in saying that Biden has filled more judges than Trump.
The damage the court has done to jurisprudence is going to be felt for decades.
The problem with explaining anything to MAGAs is that anything that opposes their world view is going to be summarily rejected.
These people can’t be reasoned with.
Trump and Republicans will blame immigrants.
And they will believe him.
What you did there…
I see it.
Welp, if we have nothing to lose…
Except that’s not what’s going on here.
Trump is very much brain to mouth. He just says shit. It doesn’t even have to make sense.
Everyone else takes what he says and deals with the ramifications of “what if he actually does it”. The problem with this approach is that it wastes our time and energy chasing his thoughts, while behind closed doors he does his real nasty shit.
All the while, the right just praises their god that they can be racist, transphobic, homophobic, bastards.
We need to get rid of the right.