He doesn’t. He did it in order to set the precedent that crime and violence committed on his behalf will be pardoned.
He doesn’t. He did it in order to set the precedent that crime and violence committed on his behalf will be pardoned.
Treat government finances like private citizens treat theirs
This is an especially hilarious take for someone who was actually Finance minister. I guess politics isn’t possible without some pandering?
I don’t think it matters. Liberals would be fools to elect her as leader. The populace is specifically sick of the current direction of the government, and she was at the core of it all. Her candidacy is DOA.
How the fuck do undocumented immigrants join the military? I feel like that’s only possible because the military explicitly set up their policies to allow it.
It’s not like ICE is made up of a random assortment of Americans. It’s not much of a surprise that they would be talking to republicans basically all the time.
Directly government-funded healthcare and government-run single payer insurance are essentially the same thing. There’s some rationale for keeping the government-run single payer system (whether you call it insurance or not) at arm’s length from the sitting government to prevent too much political chaotic nonsense each time another government takes power, but they achieve the same things in terms of health care delivery and risk management.
The concept of insurance makes sense - pooling risk so that everyone can share a little pain all the time, so that unlikely but catastrophic events don’t wipe individuals out. Making this arrangement for-profit is asinine.
His entire business model is based on reducing the efficiency of health care spending and he is directly incentivized to maximize profits by minimizing health care spending efficiency.
Plus, PP is one of the weakest and most snivelling career politicians this country has ever seen, and people recognize that.
He’s a career attack dog. But when people are angry at the sitting government, all a ln opposite leader has to do is reflect that anger to get votes and he does that.
I agree that in principle he he can be defeated, but at this point it’s a steep uphill battle and doing so would constitute a major political upset.
Say that again but this time put some stank on it.
This should be obvious but Jack Smith did more to stand up for justice than all your worthless shitposts combined.
I mean I agree that Merchan was comically lenient here, but it’s not his fault that American voters re-elected Trump. Nobody knows what it means to try to jail a sitting president, nobody. The system is designed in a way that assumes that American voters would never vote for a convicted criminal. That isn’t the case, so the whole system fails.
Philando Castile died because he moved his hands slightly wrong which offended a pissy officer’s feelings, all while trying to comply. This guy gets to fully brandish a weapon before getting wasted lol.
They may have to give it some special training to be able to understand audio mixed by the Chris Nolan school of wtf are they saying.
The existence of scalpers means demand exceeds supply. Pricing them this high is a countermeasures against scalpers…in that Nvidia wants to make the money that scalpers would have made .
Most aircraft are pressurized to 8000 feet, yes. Exceptions are the 787 and I believe some of the newer airbus models that are pressurized to 6000ft. It makes it more comfortable for passengers . One of the reasons this has been difficult to do until recently is that the fuselage undergoes a pressure cycle each time to aircraft takes off and lands which eventually causes metal fatigue and failure. The newer aircraft incorporated a lot of composite materials in their fuselage construction which aren’t as vulnerable to this particular type of failure, so they can safely pressurize to a higher relative pressure.
I’ll just point out again that the military force thing is a manufactured headline. Reporters at this point know that Trump isn’t going to rule out military force in any situation (ruling out military force is for pussies). So any reporters can just ask him “do you rule out military force in order to___” and the answer is always no and they get the headline they want. Easier than real journalism, I guess.
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You need another of these to go with it that shows these companies in terms of revenue.
You seem like a person of sound mind and steady judgment.