They also say the controller mapping is a challenge in the emulation software, but doable. It’s the wii version so I bet the aiming and whatnot is going to be wonky when using a controller or kbm vs the other releases.
They also say the controller mapping is a challenge in the emulation software, but doable. It’s the wii version so I bet the aiming and whatnot is going to be wonky when using a controller or kbm vs the other releases.
+1 classic Tom
I don’t really keep up anymore and I heard about this fwiw. Haven’t heard about Luigi nearly as much save for memes
err didn’t the police put his picture out? you think a reddit post cracked this? last i heard it was a boomer
What HN client is this?
He just knows you have to fight fire with fire so he’s tackling inflation by raising prices
Many people write tests before writing code. This is common and called Test Driven Development. Having an AI bruteforce your unit tests is actually already the basis for a “programming language” that I saw on hackernews a week or so ago.
I despise most AI applications, and this is definitely one. However it’s not some foreign concept impossible in reality:
The Hacker News crowd uses this phrase every other sentence so it was almost humorous to see it used here. I thought this was a shitpost
Not to mention US manufacturing is significantly more expensive because we mostly outlaw slave labor. Either way the poors get hurt and the trumpets get to lap up whatever runs down Dolan’s leg as a consolation.
Curious for your take on Confederate statues in the US
It’s not exactly what you mean, but merely mentioning abstinence evokes abstinence educators in the US for me. Abstinence education is bullshit. What kid needs to be told the only way to avoid STDs is to not have sex? Anyone with a functioning brain knows that. Abstinence educators are by and large Christian fundamentalists who go to schools to lie about sex and try to scare kids out of it.
Somehow I attended a public school which had one of these “educators” come by and preach about the purity of abstinence to my entire class. It was surreal and insulting to our intelligence.
>not reddit
>still hivemind downvoted for a positive comment
ahh feels like home
The letter also calls on the broadcaster to implement a series of editorial commitments including “reiterating that Israel does not give external journalists access to Gaza; making it clear when there is insufficient evidence to back up Israeli claims; making clear where Israel is the perpetrator in article headlines; including regular historical context predating October 2023; and robustly challenging Israeli government and military representatives in all interviews”.
Slightly Disappointed But Also Relieved You Don’t Type Like This Anymore Jaden
That’s true, but it devalues other labor which can be similarly/more difficult or skilled. I skimmed this article, but it seems to convey what I mean:
I understand what people mean when they say “skilled labor” and I don’t think it’s intended negatively normally fwiw
“Skilled labor” is such a bullshit concept
Why is React Native garbage?
Exactly what you think!
Trump says he’s the ‘father of IVF’ — and that he just recently learned what it is
I would guess it’s possible. I had a friend with a hacked Wii and it could run like anything. Probably easier today than it was then to sideload
edit: I’m probably wrong! See below