if you can get in. Has a decent selection from my experience. if you can get in. Has a decent selection from my experience.
Dudes doing this shit just ooze little dick energy… If you get so damned pissy about anyone pinching their fingers together, go jerk off to your podcasts and leave human beings alone.
Self, brother and daughter.
I’m a techno-janitor (IT geek).
My daughter is… Odd. I’m a fun way. Cheerful girl.
My brother is a principal scientist and working on physics in biological systems… Literally working to save the world.
Pretty sure my mother was to some degree. We’re all different types but there’s definitely commonality.
Only knew the man a few years but pretty sure my great grandfather was on the spectrum.
It’s almost like society just ignored or shunned the details.
“That’s just weird ol Tim” etc…
Pretty sure Einstein and a few other super nerds would be classed today as well.
Screw RFK with a rusty hacksaw.
I’d absolutely love this to have a home assistant hook, or even be able to run it as an add-on. Being able to issue triggers, notably Android notifications, would be perfect for my home.
Additionally, being able to track “taken” as well as record the time/date the dose was marked as such would be great!
Welcome aboard!
You can do so directly in the ssh config or command line also. I’ve used this very thing in dense cluster private OpenStack deployments over the years.
Just trying to narrow down use case but I suspect the complex documentation just overwhelmed.
So… As long as you have ssh running open on the receiving server, you don’t need the rsync daemon. Rsync client will ssh, then execute rsync recipient automatically.
The daemon is only for if you don’t want to or cannot run ssh really.
Is there a specific reason you are looking at the daemon, or just unfamiliar?
You can set it up in Obtainium, works a treat.
Secrets’ in the sauce!
Well I’m just gonna have to pirate it EVEN HARDER.
The best pirates are librarians with legit ethics.
Preserve human knowledge and make it available to everyone.
I hate that you are right about mostly just greedy dipshits pissing in the high seas without contributing.
We should have taken up arms after Aaron Swartz…
Asiandvdclub (not the shady remake) - RED is great but there’s still a hole…
He’d import his domestic violence from China though… Is it still domestic?
I’ve been on Red a while. There’s a weird moment of ratio there where it’s easier to increase your ratio by downloading more… Caution needed obviously but it does get much much easier.
The past 2 years or so they’ve also started offering freeleech tokens more often. New years they dropped 125 with a 3 month timeframe! They only work for up to 2gb each, but 90% of downloads fit in there. Patience initially is key.
I’d like to get into Orpheus also, but more out of missing What.CD than anything lacking from Red.