Yes. Next stupid question.
yes but why is probably the bulk of it…
I am not stealing. It’s there, I take it and it’s still there. Don’t know why these posts keep popping up in piracy communities. Same plague was there on reddit too. Like seriously it’s 2025.
Its almost like you think pirating something has no effect on anything.
Short answer: Yes.
Longer answer: easily yes.
Medium answer: you bet.
Profane answer: heck yes
Street answer: Hellz yiih
French Answer: Mais Oui 🥖🥸
German answer: jawohl!
Can proprietary software be justified?
It’s always moral to steal from billionaires
Most Billionaires don’t write much code.
I agree, but software piracy isn’t stealing from anyone.
Stealing definitively requires depriving someone of their own stuff. Piracy is more akin to a massive crowdsourced library. We’re all just helping to share the burden of hosting costs.
Is there a need for justification?
We reject the premise of the question: the onus sits with copyright holders to justify copyright protection.
Corpos are not people, they deserve nothing, they are entitled to nothing.
I don’t care what the government has to say on this issue. Useless fucking whores.
Yes. Next question.
Why do I sneeze when I’m not even sick?
Irritant particles in your nose. Or you may be someone with a photic sneeze reflex:
Thank you! Next question.
Why is my voice so low in the morning?
Your bed is too low to the ground, as we age our voices begin to struggle to get upright. Try whiskey.
I am not a Doctor, this is not medical advice.
Is it true that if you don’t use it, you lose it?
Whiskey? Yes, definitely. Look up “The Angel’s Share”.
Next question.
Likely a contraction from a lack of activity while sleeping. Similar to how singers need to do vocal exercises to achieve the full range of what their voice can achieve wbich, in my experience, means being able to reach higher notes than lower notes.
It IS justified lol.
why is anyone still trying to justify piracy? that’s step 2 of a conversation that even non-criminals are on step 9 in
Believe it or not, I’ve met people like this. I know a guy who was worried about showing a movie to our Meetup group.
Not because he was afraid of getting caught. He thought it might be unethical.
it’s crazy how worried normal everyday people are worried about accidentally hurting the feelings of corporations. especially post-covid.
There nothing to jusfity.
I pirate because I want to see the world burn, among other things.
I do it because it’s easy and it’s free but if it was difficult i’d probably still do it.
If needed, I’d pay for debrid/vpn much more than I’d pay for some ‘legit’ streaming service, just out of spite.
- It’s morally good when people access information, culture, and entertainment.
- It’s morally good when the author of a work gets rewarded by their work.
Piracy is morally justified when 1 is a more pressing matter than 2. As such, it’s justified in situations like this:
- If, in the absence of piracy, the pirate would still not pay for the goods - because #2 is set up to zero (the author of the work is not rewarded anyway).
- If it’s impossible to obtain the goods without piracy. For example, abandonware.
- If the author of the work would get breadcrumbs of the money used to access legally the goods, and the pirate compensates the author directly (e.g. donation).
Nuance seems rare in these posts sometimes, I appreciate your post!
What’s the justification for not allowing me to make a copy? Those who decry piracy call it theft, but it’s not theft since they aren’t losing anything. Not a physical product they could run out of, nor a potential sale as has been shown time and time again; people who pirate a thing generally wouldn’t have purchased the thing anyway.
This is the only correct answer.
For example, does Microsoft deserve my money for how much of a dumping they’ve taken onto Windows since Windows 8? No, they don’t.
Because if I did give Microsoft my money, I’m REWARDING them for their half-assery.
Honestly, I don’t have any issue using a pirated software for my own personal use.
I put the line where you use the software to make money.
Even then, I have no problem with self-employed people using it to make money. But if a corporation you work for does it: snitch and get that BSA payday.