Fuck that
Why would I go through extra effort
I can just get them and not do all that shit
I’ll buy a book I can hold
Fuck that
Why would I go through extra effort
I can just get them and not do all that shit
I’ll buy a book I can hold
I purchase physical books, but I’d be fucking daft to purchase a REVOKABLE LICENSE to a book. That said, I have SO MANY digital books that I obtained for free.
Yah cuz they use them on official hardware hahaha
Oooo I dig the UK grime in the trailer!
I’ll check this game out. Gotta bust out my Index, hasn’t been used in years.
Ahhh that makes sense hahaha.
The issues I was running into I’m SURE stemmed from having a bloated profile, so I could have fixed them by clearing my profile out, or reinstalling (probably.) video on my partner’s computer (our main entertainment machine) would only play in Private Mode for some reason. Hanime wouldn’t play anything at all, the site was bugged out. Many pages displayed super weird on their machine, too. My computer had some video playing issues but I didn’t run into pages displaying strangely.
I installed Librewolf despite being a furry that loves foxes and it legit fixed every Firefox issue I had. But they were all local issues.
Honestly at this point, I wouldn’t be embarrassed having a tattoo of Tom from MySpace.
iOS: Safari with Wipr 2 is my current way to go. Every other browser is WebKit under the hood.
It could definitely use some optimization. I’m getting 50-70FPS with a 9900k and a 3070ti. Graphics on high, with DLSS. We’ll see how it goes. It’s very playable but I’d love to see 90+FPS like I’m used to.
Aww maaan. I used to have a couple games I vowed to preorder: Monster Hunter, Pokémon, and Diablo (once I heard about D3.)
We’re down to only Monster Hunter now. MH still has never fucked me! I’m excited for the new game tomorrow.
Full agree. My partner wanted to preorder the two pack so we did. I played for like… ten minutes and said “fuck this” hahaha
Arceus ran like butter compared to ScarVio D:
After the last two generations (especially ScarVio) I have zero hope. D:
I should upload it.
Me, trying to find “Not4Sale: TV Sheriff and the Trailbuddies” but with ZERO luck before finally caving and paying money for my first movie in like 15 years.
I don’t think you needed to delete your comments; they were just being cheeky hahaha
Also as a person who has only flown a couple times, I didn’t know there wasn’t a way to the cargo hold (though when I think about it, it makes sense… shit’s pressurized, yo)
Sounds like you’ve never played in VR… which is okay. It’s a high barrier to entry. It’s insane, though. I’ve got an index and my mate has a VR treadmill and an index and it’s absolute insanity.
While I agree, this falls apart in VR, which is objectively the best way to play. Physical combat lacks any sort of weight, while archery with mods feels insanely satisfying. I wish physical combat felt… good.
Ugh I didn’t like the 2-Cs. 2-CI was okay.