All your games now have to start with the same letter, which one are you going with?
Disco Elysium
Don’t Starve
Deus ex
Darkest Dungeon
Dungeon of endless
Dwarf Fortress
Dying LightA well-rounded list with some great time-sinkers in it!
Anything Dragon Quest needs to be on the list!
No Dark Souls?
Shame! Shame!
Diablo games as well
And all the doom games.
S technically
so many amazing games for Super Nintendo back in the day that literally started with “Super”
For the sake of adding something new, X is pareto optimal in terms of having both the best and the fewest games.
- Xenogears
- Xenosaga (maybe, haven’t played it yet)
- Xenoblade anything
- X-COM anything
I’d probably be content with only playing games from the Xeno- meta-series alone.
You also get a decent number of X-Men games
F encompasses all the Final Fantasy , Final Fight, Fable, Fallout, Far Cry, Forza Horizon series, and some individual games like Forspoken, Forsaken, Fez, Fermi Paradox, Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy, Fae Tactics and many others.
Factorio !
That’s all you need really
Super (anything)
-man 64?
I’m going to start with my most played game and work backwards from there. So… K for Kerbal Space Program.
Maybe not the best choice in terms of number of games but I’d still get stuff like
- Knights of the Old Republic
- King’s Quest
- Killer Instinct
- Katamari
- Kingdom Hearts
- Killzone
- Kirby
Probably others, but obviously not as extensive as a letter like S or T. Still I would probably opt to pick the letter with my favorite game of all time in there than one that just gives more options.
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The…Those are often categorized as
Legend of Zelda, The
technically, the post didn’t as what letter they are categorized by
Oh that’s easy.
Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter Freedom
Monster Hunter Freedom 2
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Monster Hunter Generations
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Monster Hunter World/Iceborne
Monster Hunter Rise/Sunbreak
I guess you could say I like Monster Hunter
Metal gear solid 1-4
Metal Slug series
Mechwarrior series
Microsoft Flight Simulator series
Mario Kart series
Mario Party series
Master of Orion series
Marathon series
Mother series
Monster Party
- Satisfactory
- Starcraft / 2
- Slay the Spire
- Saints Row
- Sam & Max (tons)
- Serious Sam
- Scribblenauts
- Shadowrun
- Shadow Warrior
- Shapez / 2
- Shovel Knight
- Skyrim
- Soma
- Slay the Princess
- Space Engineers
- Spelunky
- Sid Meyer’s Everything
- Stanley Parable, the
- Stardew Valley
- Stronghold Crusaders
- Subnautica
- Sunless Sea
- Sonic (all)
- Super Mario (everything)
- Superhot
- Super Meatboy
- Surviving Mars
Every Star Wars game…
Acting like Death Star interceptor and Vader Immortal don’t exist.
I just meant you’d have access to them. Didn’t mean to imply they were all good. I mean, I owned Shadows of the Empire on N64.