yup. we use Xbox controllers with our hacked switch
yup. we use Xbox controllers with our hacked switch
sheesh. you are a piece of work.
the “status” issue is a completely different argument than what I replied to.
I’m not an apple fan, but this is just a dumb take. they have their place, even if it’s not under your ownership.
people always argue against violence, but revolutions don’t happen by asking nicely. companies taking your home and driving people to homelessness is “violent”.
lockdown protocol and astroneer is pretty solid
I’m saying you don’t get to dictate what people use. you can share your opinion, but you don’t have to be an ass.
fortunately you don’t get decide what’s best for everyone. you do you, not everyone else. don’t be a dick here.
don’t blame the victim for owning a computer.
everyone submit a help desk ticket to Asus asking wtf is going on
aren’t we like, close to bottom rung on major things like healthcare? and lower 50 on education?
“poser” will balls that could make you incompatible with life, Mr armchair quarterback.
I bought one when I upgraded my truenas, solid performance paired with good nvmes and motherboard, no issues.
I don’t think they have the oil reserved the US wants to steal
nothing for the US to steal.
everything keeps pointing to time being a circle, the same things will continue to happen every 20-30 years. like the show Dark.
it’s like people who complain they paid for 1gb up/down, but only get 950mbps at speedtest.net. of course some of it is lost in translation and data routing and hardware usage. every link between you and the end is going to reduce speed a bit.
your 250hp engine loses some where the wheels touch the asphalt too.
no details at the moment, but I upload nearly 1Tb / day of media. so 25TB per month UPLOAD, you can imagine my downloads.