I mean if everything is ephemeral and the users are anonymous and don’t log in, the federation wouldn’t actually do anything.
I mean if everything is ephemeral and the users are anonymous and don’t log in, the federation wouldn’t actually do anything.
Yeah but parking has always been bad.
You had to carry change. Meters were always out of order or would just eat your change without issuing a ticket, and the people checking never gave a shit and would give you a fine anyway.
My only complaint is the app, everyone should offer a website or an app, but if you’re going to park there a few times an app does make sense.
Because they’re fucking stupid.
I can pick up a phone in either hand and type on it using only that hand, and I can play games using both hands at once. If I’m using a bracer, it means I can’t do anything else with either hand or use my off hand to interact with it.
The only problem a bracer solves is not having pockets, but even then you still need to wear a bracer.
Then you wouldn’t need to tell people to work more hours.
It’s not about what’s good for you, it’s about what’s good for the people in power. And as women increasingly turn away from the Republican party, they’re going to want to disenfranchise them.
This is the most famous example, but it’s for phones rather than desktops.
Same with OneDrive.
It’s just a folder of markdown files, basically anything should work.
This deserves a classic legal response.
Dear Mr Cox: Attached is a letter that we received on November 19, 1974. I feel that you should be aware that some asshole is signing your name to stupid letters.
Tor browser is not Tor.
This is Tor https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_(network)
Tor browser is an additional piece of software built on top of it. Using the network(what everyone else means when they say tor) is unfortunately not enough to prevent fingerprinting.
No it isn’t.
And this is really important. If you go on Google tracked websites without tor, Google will still know it’s you when you use tor, even if you’ve cleared all your cookies.
Tor means people don’t know your IP address. It doesn’t protect against other channels of privacy attack.
Yes, it’s completely unenforceable.
However, Ukraine depends on US aid and if they reject the deal they’ll have to keep fighting without it.
So they’re fucked either way.
Elon Musk, took an engineering approach to reproduction, and his first five boys came into this world via IVF, and the last girl was delivered using a surrogate mother.
Was the first hit on Google.
Almost all of Musk’s children have been conceived via in vitro fertilization (IVF),
Even with money, most of them seem to be IVF babies.
It’s not clear if this is for medical reasons or because no one wants to sleep with him.
Just asking questions makes it harder to sue under English libel law.
Look at the difference.
Elon musk is a Nazi.
A clear factual statement leaves room for disagreement. Maybe he’s just an edgelord fascist radicalized by 4chan but doesn’t have enough fashion sense to be a Nazi.
Elon musk is a Nazi?
Perfectly safe.
Hash tables are super efficient when they’re not nearly full. So the standard trick is just to resize them when they’re too close to capacity.
The new approach is probably only going to be useful in highly memory constrained applications, where resizing isn’t an option.
The thing is that in machine learning Python is basically just a wrapper for CUDA code and Fortran.
There’s some gains in not using Python but not enough for anyone to bother with it unless they’re doing embedded models.
Wasting other people’s time.
If you want to use an LLM that’s fine, but if you’re cutting and pasting it into a discussion you should warn other people that it’s not human generated.
And most of it isn’t wrong, it’s just a giant wall of text that’s largely irrelevant to the conversation.
As a heads up, the person you’re arguing with seems to be using an LLM to generate text.
I would down vote and move on. It’s not a real discussion.
Oh that’s good.
I’ve often wondered how could I make my instant messaging less instantaneous, while giving a new app access to my banking emails.
You’re in a car. There’s probably a charging port there. Sucks if you don’t have a phone, but it sucked before when you didn’t have change.
Parking has always been a privilege not a right, and if you’re not prepared you’re going to get a ticket.
I get that it’s annoying but if my phone broke and I suddenly had to pay for parking with coins, I don’t know what I’d do either. Everything is cashless now, where would I get coins from?