I’m a computer janitor that sometimes streams trying to learn dev https://www.twitch.tv/destide
Notice me sempai!!
KDE user, I presume
So you all going to start spelling colour properly?
Mad Ukraine never leveraged it
Such a golden age people no longer have to work right?
OnE Of tRUMp$ BussNesses
https://www.wethebuilders.org/ For anyone who wants to skip to the end
Don’t you mean Yosemite mine sponsored by Nestle?
One less bulletproof vest
This is what I meant also I never mentioned Russia but let’s just go off on a tangent with insults anyway. China is a bedfellow in this
It’s amazing additionally you can run Mullvad through it that might solve your public IP issues but I only run my services for me and my house
If this is just for personal use, I’d see if you can put their router in modem mode and go get a better router, then I’d just use tail-scale or WireGuard.
Wonder what the Americans who call everything communism feel about siding with communist dictatorships?
Funny how the majority only seem to give him attention when they’re scared, rather than having the likes of Sanders be the example. But hey at least life is like a reality show
Ambition to creationism?
Opinions of Nazi scum
Miltary coups are hard if someone keeps saying no
The name Ford making Elon cry again