Good, keep going.
And dear Canadian Grocers… PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST OUR SAVIOUR, do not enshittify things so we regret giving you money.
There’s no reason to be greedy, and we all want to make sure that our money stays in Canada. Keep providing Canadian goods, and we’ll keep paying for it. It’s so simple, so don’t fuck this up.
Roblaws will for sure. They are greedy bastards with no spine.
London Drugs, however, seems very honest and they are showing what’s Canadian on their homepage. Even have a filter! With almost 1200 items that are Canadian already and they are interested in hearing what people would like to see on their shelves! One can email suggestions to
I’m seeing several online grocery stores now listing Canadian and local products. Stickers in store, too!
Best to check the lables, too. There are differences between “Made in Canada”, “Product of Canada”, “Assembled in Canada”, “Packed in Canada”… Etc.
At the bare minimum, you’re still supporting Canadian workers regardless of which one of those is listed on the label.
Agree. ALWAYS check labels to make an informed choice (choice itself is yours of course). The apps to scan that I have tried were quite spotty too. I feel like I am better off reading labels myself.
Save on has been adding tags to the shelf to indicate Canadian items
Watch those carefully. Several items with the maple leaf beside the price were in fact US products.
I have seen some as well. Same with the apps that scan.
I listened to an interview with someone high up at LD (can’t remember their title) and it was quite interesting hearing the logistics. Certain products (like holiday decorations) get ordered over a year out so they’re harder to switch out, but it sounds like most other stuff goes up for renewal around this time so we’ll see more non-American stuff by late spring. I also found it interesting they were mentioning they’re really interested in sourcing more from Japan (where there aren’t Canadian options) since the Yen is so low and they make a lot of good, cool, quality stuff that historically was too expensive.
That’s great. Fingers crossed they are listening now. I want them to be successful. They have great long term staff and I love their European food selection. I have emailed them a couple of times now with product suggestions. They always reply that they’ll forward the message to their buyers. So let’s hope!
Yall can’t just not buy American goods, imagine what will happen to the poor wittle US economy
Three weeks ago Loblaws did a massive special on Driscoll’s strawberries.
Last week, that supply chain seemed to be filled with Mucci’s strawberries from Ontario.
I presume they’ve been hard at work in their supply chain across the board like this, and likely aren’t alone.
Yea but those Mucci strawberry’s are still more than likely grown in the US, at least at this time of year.
They give the address of the hydroponics greenhouse in Ontario they’re grown at, so I don’t think so.
This is really cool. Besides the US being malignant, fresh berries in the winter are typically air freight (they don’t last long enough for a truck ride from California) and that significantly increases the carbon footprint of the product. Growing them in a local greenhouse addresses both problems!
Well, I’m in BC so that footprint is larger for me than if they came from California. But I’m still happy with the change.
Silly me, assuming all of Canada lives in Ontario. Still nifty, and I’ll have to keep an eye out for these in my local Ontario grocers too.
I’m shocked at how much greenhouse stuff there is, actually. I was preparing to subsist on canned stuff whenever the US cut us off.
One of the benefits of the failed cannabis farms I guess lol
I wonder if they’re using failed pot farms. From what I’ve seen of those places, that’s going to be the most secure and carefully climate-controlled lettuce ever grown.
I’m shocked at how much greenhouse stuff there is, actually.
I’ve found that there are multiple greenhouse lettuce growers in Alberta, of all places.
Yep, I just ate some. Good stuff.
Anyone know a good Canadian Shampoo? I spent some time trying to find one and the best I could get was l’oreal for men, French company but it isn’t clear where it’s made.
Edit : I bought some shampoo and toothpaste from Green Beaver. If it ends up being good I’ll probably swap to that.
Was going to suggest this too. We use attitude for all our shower products and have been happy with them for years. +1 for their bulk refill boxes too! Also using them for all our cleaning supplies and laundry supplies too. We have a bulk refill station of their products in the laundry room haha
They have laundry detergent? 🫨
Their detergent and fabric softer is fantastic!
A rather expensive but well performing one is Jack59. They make the only conditioner bar I’ve actually liked. The shampoo bar is great too but it’s quite small for the price.
For cheaper options, I believe many store brands have more local packagers, but you’d have to look into each one.
I also use Unscented Company products but haven’t tried their shampoo/conditioner. lists a few others.
Their domain name should really have been, because now it says made in caca
Yes, I agree.
I’m about to order powdered shampoo and body wash from Singapore. Less mass to ship, right?
I think Costco Kirkland shampoo is
Costco/Kirkland is a US brand, but they do sell slightly different inventory in Canada than the US, so I guess it’s possible their shampoo is from a local supplier.
A surprising (and impressive) number of their Kirkland branded stuff is made in Canada, with a few even being product of Canada.
Yeah, it’s still an American head office, but they treat their employees well, and they’re pushing back against stuff like Trump’s anti DEI policies, so I’m willing to cut them a bit of slack.
I’m still buying made in Canada there, though. Or made not in the USA (got beans from Mexico, prosciutto from Italy and olives from Greece as part of my last shop there)
Doing the same here in Europe
Next quarter profits gonna be good to watch
Yessss! Keep going, everybody!🍁
tip - Witch hazel makes terrific deodorant- and a $2 bottle i use is still half full after years (barely use any per use and its good for days, tho ymmv).