This is exactly what they said about the OG game and they even spoofed a gameplay trailer to lie about it.
Cool, now it’s just 8 years of waiting for release and then just 4 more until they make it playable
Which validates the point that buying a game on pre-sale or Day 1 is a terrible idea.
With PC reviews pretty much lying about the game’s performance and CDPR not allowing console reviews prior to launch, i was misled into buying it on PC day 1. IGN gave it a 9/10 and most other big reviewers werent far off.
It was pretty much a coordinated false advertisement until CDPR could get their hype money… I mean yeah they fixed it but it did take 4 years and i did already get burnt out on an inferior version of the game.
I learned my lesson then that i can only trust community reviews and that any media outlet always has an agenda.
Give it a go again. I am playing it for the first time right now and this game is absolutely amazing. I heard they changed quite a lot of things in patch 2.0 and we are already at 2.21. Plus how many games are receiving support so long after release. Yes, their release was a dumpster fire, but they managed to fix most of their bugs and now the game is in really good shape.
I do believe one day i will play it and love it, really just trying to wait long enough to forget all about the 50 hours i put in after their shitty launch.
They didn’t fix it. There’s some interesting writing there but other than that, none of the original promises came to fruition. The cops still teleport (just a little further away), the crowds are still dumb as shit (worse than GTA3) and react inconsistently and erratically. Your choices don’t really matter till the last mission. The game’s image has been rehabilitated because NVIDIA spent millions to use it as benchmark for its tech and owners of NV cards need to post-hoc rationalise having sold that kidney to buy a GPU. The game is still meh, a bastardisation of cyberpunk mythos. It’s very pretty but, shallow as fuck. Play KCD, that’s an RPG series that deserves the name RPG.
I have no clue how people have been convinced that cyberpunk is the game that was promised. Its a good game from what I understand but it is not anything close to the game that was promised pre-launch. I actually think that it was the anime more than NVIDIA that helped rehabilitate its image.
Very likely the anime helped. I wouldn’t even say cyberpunk is good. I played the GTA V campaign recently and with all its idiosyncratic choices it plays and is a much more advanced game than cyberpunk in everything but the graphical tech. Trevor, Michael, Frank, Lester, Lamar, Norton, just to name a few from the top of my head. I remember Jackie because he dies and Johnny because he’s an annoyance, but there’s very little there that’s worth remembering. Misty, misty I remember too. People hate on ubisoft open worlds and then hail cyberpunk, I can’t even.
I just want a more modern good first person RPG game. I like baldur’s gate 3 but I don’t feel like I am a character doing that I just feel like I’m telling someone what to do.
Try kingdom come deliverance, masterpiece except for the combat 😅
My main issue with the main review and phantom liberty was restricting footage to b-roll footage made by CDPR.
I played on release day with a 2080 super and thought the performance was okay for ray tracing. it ran well without it. my only issue was the draw distance and the minimap was terrible
Yeah all of the marketing surrounding the game really felt disingenuous. This sucks because i do believe that CDPR has some great talent creating unique games.
Most of the talent left or was laid off. It’s a bioware in the earlier stages over there. Hear the interview with Konrad Tomaszkiewicz in the friends per second podcast.
Day 1 kcd2 has been pretty good.
Only 1 bug so far forced me to save/exit. But no crash to desktop or anything game breaking so far (knock on wood)
Coming from the team behind the least realistic/reactive crowd system in any game to date
Yeah I don’t believe a single thing CDPR says anymore. I’m still waiting for them to release the patch that makes your decisions in Cyberpunk actually matter. Fool me once.
they didn’t really boast it as the title would imply. it’s a job posting so my take is that it’s more aspirational or setting a target.
patch that makes your decisions in Cyberpunk actually matter
I would like more consequences like the pickup mission where you have to think of actual factions but the game offers a lot of choice.
Most choice is gameplay and build related where you have multiple methods of completing an objective and many times you can go out of order. This is in stark contrast to gta which has better sandboxes but much less gameplay choice is missions.
Even still there are things like taking out Jotaro in the one gig affects the dialog with Woodman later, playing as corpo allows you to skip the infiltration for the arasaka float, judy or maiko for clouds, and the endings are all as powerful as they are varied. I would still say your choices matter as even your chosen sex affects romance options. Phantom liberty expansion elevate the gigs and choices a bit more. For example the sphere hunter gig where you infiltrate the ncpd headquarters adds a check at the end if you went lethal or not. If the main boss can’t detect their biomonitors then you can’t leave without a fight (though i also encountered a bug here).
For the sequel i definitely want more reacting NPCs more dynamic open world behavior vs map icon hunting, and more consequences that are also faction-based like maelstrom vs militech
There are a bunch of quests when your decisions really matter.
Lol, go on, yell me how decisions in the game do not matter. Before you start, be aware I have complete like seven or more full playthroughs just to explore all the things I could do, were it all real (so, excluding things like killing everyone or being a complete shit just for giggles)
But what I do want from them is an actual damn city. Walking through a megapolis chromed to the teeth and not being able to break into random house or apartment is damn frustrating
Seriously, why so much hate for this game. The game at the moment is pretty good.
It looks gorgeous, has an awesome story and a fun and versatile combat system. I am not too much into first person shooting games, but I am playing it right now and I am hooked. I think this game is easily in my top 5 if not 3 games of all time.
Cyberpunk is a fun game, but for me it is very shallow and I don’t like Johnny Silverhand, every second where he is on screen is pure annoyance. And yes, I know that he is supposed to be like that, but for me it just killed the fun.
I finished maybe 25% and then just stopped playing.
I played the whole game a few days after the release. I like Johnny, and the other characters, but boy isn’t that game shallow. The only reason I finished the game is because I really enjoyed the dialogues and VA, and that it was a game that didn’t overstay its welcome. I think I finished the main story at max level and it took me less than 30h. But I couldn’t be bothered with most side quests or exploring the world, as it just fell hollow, a pretty shell.
My biggest gripes with the game:
- I felt that the starting portion of the game was majorly wasted. You pick a background, but it takes 1 hour to go over it and it doesn’t matter at all for the whole rest of the game, basically. Also, they want you to empathize with your pal at the beginning but you have 10 minutes to get to know him before being thrust into a suicide mission where he dies and you get stuck with a dead lunatic in your head.
- The skill system was as shallow and uninteresting and unimaginative as it could have been. A lot of perks were like “you get +1,6% to X”. It was so boring… I heard they improved this, I haven’t checked it yet, but my hopes are definitely not up.
- The only decision you have to make in the game that can actually change the ending is literally at the end of the game, and the game even tells you it’s time to make said decision, and it auto-saves for you. Talk about hand-holding and being afraid of letting the player make real choices. For a supposed RPG, that was a massive letdown.
- No single side-quest in the game (at least the more important/interesting ones) have more than binary conclusions. Either succeed or fail, that’s it. And they can’t even be done in different ways, you have only a single way to complete them.
- Modding yourself was also super shallow, and mostly unnecessary. You could just boost hacking and memory capacity and it was absolutely broken. The game itself was super easy and not at all challenging, again afraid of causing friction with the player.
I don’t agree about the shallowness of the game. The Devs put incredible attention to details and the game offers a lot of context through shards, quests little snippets, dialogues, that are just unraveling the whole story.
And I don’t know for you but I can’t shake the feeling that today’s USA resembles more and more the dystopian reality of Night City. The whole corpo takeover of the government, the mass layoffs due to the rise of AI, the homelessness crisis, etc.
You will unravel more of Johnny’s history which explains to some extent why he is such a douchebag. You know like in real life, even the biggest douchebags have something good in them and life has turned them into one.
I don’t agree about the shallowness of the game.
Many mechanics have absolutely no depth to them. For example the apartments - no customization, not even a dialog line or animation from the clerk when you buy them.
They did put quite a bit of work into shards etc., but I’m not interested in those. I want the world to feel alive, like they promised, and it doesn’t.
And this argument is petty. What if they have added the choice to buy your furniture and redecorate it, would that make the game perfect for you?
I play this game and think fuck someone put so much attention to details it is almost unreal. Because you can’t deny there are a lot of details and someone there were thinking how to do certain things and creating such a game I can imagine is extremely challenging and time consuming.
Oh and by the way, can you point me to a single action rpg game that allows you to redecorate your place? You know you are able to buy different places and they all look different and unique.
It’s not petty to expect depth when depth is promised, but even shallow depth would have been enough. I’d have been happy with a voiceline by the clerk who sold me the apartment. I’d have expected an animation, but a voiceline would already make it feel alive. But there’s not even that! You press the button and own the new apartment, and that’s it.
That’s not “alive”, that’s deader than the average game from 2005.
Oh and by the way, can you point me to a single action rpg game that allows you to redecorate your place?
Fallout 4? Fallout 76? Starfield?
You might notice I didn’t say “Cyberpunk 2077 is shit because I can’t redecorate my apartment”, but it’s ridiculous to act like NO GAME EVER has allowed you to do that. Bethesda games have allowed you to do that, even though they are shit.
Are you trying to tell me that Starfield feels more alive than Cyberpunk? Because that game is the epitome of shallow and hollow game.
Fallout 4 was feeling very grindy and I didn’t like this aspect, yes, you can build stuff, but this grind was wearing me down. Isn’t also Fallout 76 riddled with micro transactions? For me that’s pretty scummy and I would rather avoid such games. You can hate Cyberpunk as much as you want, but they are still releasing meaningful updates to this game and it also has zero micro transactions.
You will unravel more of Johnny’s history which explains to some extent why he is such a douchebag. You know like in real life, even the biggest douchebags have something good in them and life has turned them into one.
Yeah, I had my fair share of douchebag interactions in real life, none of them were positive in any way, and I don’t want to play a douchebag (thats why I stopped playing Witcher 3) nor want I help a douchebag. And for sure I have no intention of giving a douchebag some redemption arc. Nobody has to be a douchebag, it is always a choice someone willingly makes and sorry but I have the scars on my body and soul to show that nothing in them can ever by good, if they had good in them they would not be douchebags.
You know things are never black and white. There are always shades of gray.
Are you one of the good guys, were you always good and do you think you have never been acting like a douchebag even in your teenage years? Think about it.
Just because you don’t like a certain game, doesn’t make that game shallow. In Cyberpunk they show the human nature like an onion with lots of layers, some are good some not so much, exactly like human beings. And that creates depth of the characters. Then you have a huge city with lots of details, historical context, shards, etc.
I understand that you don’t like the game, but objectively speaking that doesn’t change the fact that this game is anything but shallow.
No, I am not a perfect creature that is always good, I am human after all, but it is a huge difference between making errors or overreacting on stress situations and a egomaniac and narcissistic sociopath at the level of Johnny Silverhand. Oh, and he is a damn mind raping parasite, holding the player character hostage, but I am sure having that in your head gives depths to the character too.
And that’s a game, you know piece of fiction and the fact that you don’t like this game, doesn’t mean that everyone else should share your opinion. The recent reviews of this game are overwhelmingly positive. 95% seems to like the game.
Yeah maybe he will be a great mind parasite at the end, I don’t know because I have no reason to dig through hours of shit to find a tiny golden Johnny core. That is not what I see as fun .
He is annoying, but you do get used to it and he changes over the course of the story. At the end of the dlc, he is very different.
Also doing some gigs and side jobs makes you appreciate him more too.
Oh, at the end of the DLC? No, sorry but I will not buy a DLC for a game that I don’t even want to play the base version from.
I actually enjoyed the game too, I was just taking the piss because it was infamously underpolished at launch and the crowd system was part of it.
The development time really shows with the map; the city is phenomenal and super detailed. I don’t know if they had to rewrite the engine 7 times or what, because everything else was laughably buggy at launch. I played right when it launched but still had fun. I’m sure it’s way better now - i still need to finish the DLC
Yeah, nah. Not falling for it.
The PC Parts industry basically stopped making new hardware for games so we should pretty much give up on the notion of things improving substantially past this point.
It’ll move in the direction of local rendering, with cloud “AI” powered elements
So worse actually
Where have a I heard this before? It sounds really familiar
Look, cyberpunk ended up (after some years) being a good game, but that doesn’t mean I’ll ever trust them again
I will wait to buy it a few years after release. Not getting burned this time around.
Always wait until release. I love CDPR games, but I’ll always wait until release. Especially with digital being the default moving forward, the days of scarcity are over.
Yeah yeah
Fool me once
Yeah i’ll believe that claim when i see it.
Sorry but the 2077 release had it’s consequences.
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.
I assumed we wouldn’t be getting a sequel. I hope they are able to get one out there eventually. 2077 is has the coolest aesthetics I’ve ever seen in a game.
Yeah, I could have sworn they said they were done with cyberpunk after they burned a lot of their credibility on it.
Did they hire Peter Molyneux?
“Chicken chaser! You chase chickens!”
I’ll believe it when I see it this time.
Here we go again…
This announcement changes everything! I’m gonna send them my money right now