I remember seeing some dev notes on reddit a year ago and it felt like a total Hollow Knigh ripoff. Same moveset, same tools, same everything. Is this still the case?
Are you telling me that it is excusable for a company engaging over 400 people over many many years in a production of a videogame to not playtest their game and make players pay for testing it?
Dude, Early Access is okay if you are an indie games company with limited resources, NOT an AAA producer with infinite budget.
And yet you don’t mind. What flavour of boots do you recommend for a total beginner?
Because by supporting China you are letting in a Trojan Horse. Chinese investors are parasites that will overflow the market with extremely cheap products, make the market dependent on them by estabilishing monopolies and then control the market.
All that made possible because the Chinese entrepreneurs sell all their products with significant loss, but they are generously funded by their government.
This is not even unfair trade, at this point this is a economical invasion. It has been going for quite some time with aliexpress, alibaba and temu. Now it’s happening in the automotive.
That’s another thing, yes - games are more pricy, cannot be pirated and there’s no third party websites for buying keys for cheap.
That being said, you can still buy games on discs and later resell them. That way you basically play for free if you buy used and resell for the same price.
I’m also a big fan of Playstation Plus
It did not matter to me when I was buying PS5 last year, so that’s not a general rule
What did matter, however, was the PS Plus collection. I you don’t want to sail under Jolly Roger, that’s a huge factor
Even if you build your PC with PS5 equivalents, you are most likely to pay at least a bit more for the whole package, and - most importantly - games still won’t run as smooth as they do on PS5.
Console games are optimized to work best specifically with their hardware
You will need to pay at least twice as much for a PC if you want games to run as nice as they do on PS5
Kind of. Russia is definitely using this conflict to purge their unwanted. This is still horrifying when you realize that these are not only felons, but also groups like minorities and the poor.
How shameful, what had Russia done to deserve such treatment?
Not joking, I’m just underinformed
Now that I think of it, yeah, it makes absolute sense. It’s not a stable income OpenAI is based on, but rather the endless wagons of money from hyped up sponsors. Very much unsustainable.
Wait, since when it had not been? Or are you telling me that vastly the fastest growing platform in history with multiple payment gates (subscriptions, pay per token, licensing etc.) was not profitable for some reason?
Love me some minesweeper. Does this version also guarantees that are games are deterministic, i.e. you never have to guess the bomb layout?
Or, they fucked up thinking that people wanting to watch movies wanted to play games…
true gamers dont watch movies 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬
og movie freaks dont play vidya 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
Ah, you see, we received intel from China that the South’s first order of business when they invade us is to destroy these railways. Now we, as to be one step ahead as always, decided to take preliminary actions. This is how you disrupt enemy planning, watch and learn you people.
What’s there to learn? You just simply download a client, go into thepiratebay (if it still exists, dunno, havent torrented a thing for like 10 years), click download and wait.
I’m happy for them, they probably indended it from the start - after all, what better way to escape probably the most isolationist totalitarian country on earth?
…and stop the earth from slowly turning into a far-right corporate dystopia with drastic climate deterioration.