Actually it works exactly as I intended it to
Better than those crooked Democrats am I right??
dit="docker exec -it $@"
Seems more flexible to me. Also, you shouldn’t give functions or variables the same names as binaries.
Self signed certs will work. You can Google how to set them up.
You can buy plenty of American made routers and other hardware that isn’t quite as shady. But like you said, we love our cheap shit here, and don’t give its malicious intent a second thought.
And no, it does not matter now, that’s sort of my point. Pandora’s box has been opened.
We have this really great approach to security where we allow the adversary to infiltrate a huge portion of our infrastructure for years and at many different levels, and then we say “hm, maybe we shouldn’t be allowing this?”
“Daddy made me do it”
Drug enthusiasts: hallucinations, you say?
Do you guys not have phones consoles!?
I love this joke! Thanks for sharing
Germans: “idk bro, maybe the Russians are nice now? Let’s let them in”
Finland seems to be the only member of NATO who hasn’t forgotten who their neighbors are. But yes, better late than never.
Should have done that a few years ago
I’d rather gouge my eyes out with a spoon than use a Comcast product.
Does that answer your question?
Yeah…I was confused. My bad.
Just another beautiful day in Canada!
Map host port 8080 to container port 80. 8443 to 443.