Claiming that the Nazis were socialists is something that historically only the Nazis have done, so it’s not exactly reassuring to see Poilievre do it while we wait to see just how fascist he turns out to be when he ends up prime minister.
At best, maybe he’s just trolling.
No, he’s not trolling, he’s just a fuckhead
Yeah Harper’s little attack dog is still on the leash he was put on.
He’s always trolling. It can be two things.
You have interacted with him personally i see.
Just the once, which was once more than I would have liked
Well, to be fair the little guy acts like a fuckhead all the time.
Pierre also said that CBC was proganda and he regularly reposts article from them. He also likes to reminds how how the Liberals brought a nazi into parliament but forgets to say he was part of the crowd clapping for the guy.
Then there’s hanging with actual Nazi’s. This dude has almost no resume inside the Parliament after 2 decades of being a MP but he’d built quite a reputation outside of it.
Fellow below got down votes for saying it, but it’s because they called themselves that.
Just like how Trump currently accuses mainstream media of lying non-stop. Like he accused the Democrats of trying to steal the election. Both things that he does/did, and that the people who he accused of doing it did not do. See how easy it is to muddy the water?
It’s the same reason every draconian handmaid’s tale esque bill is called “the helping mothers” bill or every anti-workers bill “the great perfect bill to help workers” bill. (Right to work!)
It’s a load of crap. Listen to what people tell you. Then compare it to what they actually do. Or if you are too lazy even to do that, just ignore what anyone says and only look at what they do. That’s who they are.
Watch what Pollieve does. Look at what he has already done. That’s it. That’s who he is. It’s a little cheat code you can use.
Democratic Republic of Korea a.k.a. North Korea
See also: Buffalo wings
To be fair those were popularized in a restaurant in Buffalo NY. Similar to New York cheesecake.
Similar to New York cheesecake
The popular version of New York located in Cheesecake, Kentucky.
Are they made from real
girl scoutsNew Yorks?
Because it’s a tatic of people who want to normalise fascism use to dicredit socialism.
Because he is a liar.
This is the answer to every question about him that starts with “Why does he…”
I mean, the implied question is probably “*why *is he lying about this particular item?” I personally find it helpful to hunt down his motives for any given lie, as a measure of his trajectory.
Ignoring how wrong he is on that point…
Why is he even bringing it up? Like, ok, what if the Nazis were socialists? What does that have to do with him, and his position, right now? How is this in any way relevant to Canada, federally, today?
Like, it’s really weird that he’s talking about this. We should be highlighting out weird it is.
Could be part of a new propaganda campaign: muddy the water about the left, so that any leftist law can be called evil and reverted.
“Social help? That’s socialism, and socialists are nazis. Let’s repel that law like any good common sense man would do.” ~Poil lievre (maybe)
Could be. The CPC’s campaign strategy may judt br calling Trudeau a communist for 5 weeks or something. Or he could be setting up his forever excuse for why his government will only help corporations and the wealthy.
But it’s still weird. No one needs to give a shit about the NSDAP in Canada in 2024. It’s a really uncomfortable and lame obsession, and people don’t spend enough time pointing that out.
Because he wants to normalise nazism? This is common modus operandi for alt-right neonazis all over the world now, they love when they can say they are not worse than others. At the same time they would happily put pure socialists in concentration camps if they had the support of the people.
Yeah because when somebody says “Nazi atrocities”, my mind always goes straight to their economic policies. /s
“If you look at the original, early 1920s documents of the plans, the party programs and so on that the Nazis are putting forward, they do have lots of things that are anti-big business, pro-worker,” she said.
As the party gained power, it gave government the power to control certain industries, while in other areas — like weapons manufacturing — it supported large, private companies.
Tworek said that what the party said and did was often contradictory.
I’m sensing a pattern here.
Even if the Nazi party was socialist, would that be a problem? It’s not evil to give the citizens of your country health care, it’s giving only the Aryan people health care while giving everyone else the gas chamber or prison that’s the crime. This is a propaganda tool I think, much like a strawman argument, a distraction. Just to illustrate the absurdity: the Nazis wiped their asses with toilet paper, are YOU going to be like the nazis? Better use your hand.there Hitler!
Do one better. Use a bidet like a good non nazi.
I hear nazis do that, too!!
Just to illustrate the absurdity: the Nazis wiped their asses with toilet paper, are YOU going to be like the nazis? Better use your hand.there Hitler!
Know who else liked food? Hitler!
He is about to Play Canada if we don’t smarten up like the Québécois.
“Antisemitism is the socialism of fools”
Poilievre, it seems, is a fool.
Nazis called themselves national socialists as opposed to the ruling democratic socialist party.
It would have been impossible for a non-socialist party to get any kind of popular mandate in 1933 Germany. Nonetheless, the democratic socialists had discredited themselves by being feckless and awful.
Socialist policies that the Nazis supported were mostly superficial and quickly abandoned. Those included:
- Making May Day a national holiday, which they did do but then they used the following day to arrest all the trade unionists and confiscate all union property or use by the the party
- A public stimulus/building program, where all projects were quickly abandoned except those that were seen as valuable for war, like the autobahn.
- “People’s products” subsidized consumer goods like radios and automobiles. Only radios were ever delivered through this program by the NS regime mostly so people could hear Gobbles’ propaganda.
The Nazis did not support land reform preferring to sidestep/triangulate with their “leibensraum” theory: they will not reform the large landholdings in Germany but they will give land to peasants from conquered land. In general the Nazi’s socialist/materialist promises came with an asterisk that the people will be compensated after the war by redistributing the spoils of the conquered lands.
Because his ilk win through muddying the water, encouraging culture war conflicts between the citizens he means to govern, and making people feel discouraged from voting at all.
Because they Nazis called themselves the “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”