Now tell this shit to lil PP and his cult.
Now tell this shit to lil PP and his cult.
It’s due to the housing crisis. If we had the infrastructure to support the influx of immigrants, Canadians wouldn’t be so opposed to them.
“If you look at the original, early 1920s documents of the plans, the party programs and so on that the Nazis are putting forward, they do have lots of things that are anti-big business, pro-worker,” she said.
As the party gained power, it gave government the power to control certain industries, while in other areas — like weapons manufacturing — it supported large, private companies.
Tworek said that what the party said and did was often contradictory.
I’m sensing a pattern here.
Pedophiles will always exist. It’s the unfortunate truth. But if we can reduce the amount if children subjected to sexual assault or rape then we should absolutely explore it. That’s what this article is about. Removing the stigma for treatments that you accurately described as a barrier. How successful this approach is remains to be seen. But it’s a worthy and sound discussion to have. And who knows, if it kicks off maybe we can even have people treat it before they actually hurt a child. It’s a big maybe and will not happen for long time but we can try and make steps towards that goal.
There are more extreme methods such as chemical castration, sure. But that has its drawbacks as I mentioned in my comment above.
I didn’t take this as a method of changing sexual preferences. But rather a way to help these people avoid acting on these “urges”.
But yes, I do agree that it really depends on how effective it actually is. It nay be that this is just a case of having a few good examples but will not reflect in a broad real life scenario.
There isn’t really an option with no costs to them, though, is there?
I mean isn’t this article what this is about? That there is a way to help rehabilitate these offenders without having them commit these crimes again or even for the first time? The article begs the question in asking “Why aren’t we exploring how successful this would be if we used it on a larger scale?”. Which is a fair question to ask.
Except it opens up the possibility or exploration of topics such as eugenics. It also has a lot of potential side effects on the body that may or may not be known. This could open the government to lawsuits as SO’s can say they were negatively impacted by these drugs. You’re correct in that it’s not permanent. But it doesn’t mean it’s safe or the best course of action.
We don’t do that foe the same reasons we don’t do the death penalty. Too many ways an innocent can be wrongly punished.
If there’s a way to reduce the amount of sexual violence people inflict on children than it should be at least explored. Focusing on ensuring past sex offenders don’t recommit the same crimes is not a bad thing at all.
Covid and technology. It’s pretty well documented what modern social media does to people’s attention spans. On top of it teachers weren’t even allowed to take a kids phone in class until recently.
How bad was the car situation that prompted this level of intervention?
True, we’ll just have to wait and see if more data becomes available. My original comment was more conjecture than anything else. It’s an interesting development though. Thank you for sharing.
I mean if no one has claimed it or paid taxes on a property for over 100 years can the city not legally seize it?
I was thinking more along the lines of people waiting on buying homes until interest rates fall which is a decrease in demand.
“Our government can’t set prices at the checkout but we can put more money in peoples’ pockets. That’s going to give people the relief they need. People are squeezed and we’re there to help.”
No, but they can take a firmer stance on price gouging and monopolies. At least the NDP is trying to get it pushed and opening the discussion.
Probably not. I think best case scenario for Canada is Conservatives win a minority government. They’ll have to work with other parties to get stuff done. Of course, it will likely they’ll be working with the Bloc Quebecois but still.
I wonder if that had anything to do with the Bank of Canada cutting interest rates in October. People waiting for a better mortgage rate perhaps?
…No you really didn’t. Hamas did accept a ceasefire proposal and it was sabotaged by the US and Israel.
What events? All you’ve given me are statements from a government intent on prolonging the conflict. That’s not an event.
But crack dealing Ford said Ontario is open for business folks.