My thoughts: this was not an accident. This was testing the waters.
I wonder what the person who absolutely insisted to me yesterday that this wasn’t about black people in general would have to say about this…
I’m gonna be honest, this is a stretch. I watched the clip. Whatever he was about to say definitely sounds like it was starting with an M, not an N. His lips are in a closed shape at that moment, which you’d see with an M sound and not an N. With the context of what he’s saying, it really sounds like he was trying to say “migrant” and “immigrant” at the same time.
Don’t get me wrong, this dude’s a dipshit for dozens of other reasons. But there’s nothing here this time. This really doesn’t seem to be worth any amount of energy.
we all watched the same video, and you’re wrong
There’s so many real examples of conservative racism out there. You don’t need to make up fake ones.
This is the exact same sort of shit conservatives do whenever Biden drops some elderly language. It’s gross, and needlessly desperate.
This is the exact same sort of shit conservatives do whenever Biden drops some elderly language. It’s gross, and needlessly desperate.
BINGO. the most frustrating part of dealing with these types of commenters is that they always lack the awareness to see that they’re operating in the same way that the bad-faith repubs do.
There’s so many real examples of conservative racism out there. You don’t need to make up fake ones.
Yep. Like, goddamn. Vance admitted he made up the story. Theres so much racism baked into this ENTIRE news story, that focusing on someone misspeaking is missing the forest for the trees.
I think it was an accident. And this fuck uses the word too much.
Well it’s some very interesting timing for such an accident.
I changed my mind after putting in earphones and listening to it more clearly
The video also looks like he’s making an M sound (closed lips) than an N sound (open lips). Grammatically, I also don’t think including “Haitian” makes sense if the next word is a slur.
I’m all for calling out the actual content on the conversation as the absolute nonsense that it is, but this specific headline seems like a bit of a reach.
u/flyingsquid won’t look at this because of the dopamine hit he’s getting from manufactured outrage
Is there an audio clip?
Even better, there is a video of it. He definitely said it.
Gonna invoke the hivemind rage and say that, upon listening w headphones, it does kinda sound like he’s saying “migr -” with a short “i” sound.
Now queue the downvotes, calling me racist, dumb, etc.
No. Just no. You’re getting downvoted because it’s clear as day.
Lol ok buddy. Everyone closes their lips when they pronounce an “m”, right? CLEAR AS DAY. keep fighting the good fight, hive mind
The video is right there in the comments. We can see you’re lying.
Did you …watch the video? His lips move together at the consonant in question. Lol but sure, you’re not just hearing what you want to hear.
No they don’t. Stop lying.
Honestly I think it’s incredibly pathetic that you’re so dug in on this stranger saying a naughty word that you won’t even look at it objectively. In response to my detailed, objective breakdown, your only rebuttal was “gaslighter”. K. The embedded video player in the link above has a playback speed option, feel free to use it to slow the video down and see the truth of his mouth shape. Compare it to the “n” shape he uses when he says “in” several times. Or keep sticking your head in the sand and yelling “NUH UH GASLIGHTER”, idc. I think we’re clearly done here.
Edit:.honestly the slowed playback pretty much proves it’s an “m” in both sound and mouth shape.
I have looked at it. Multiple times. His mouth does do the m thing. After he says the N word. That’s how you can tell it’s different.
Your detailed breakdown is just a bunch of bullshit designed to make people doubt themselves. Which is gaslighting. It’s the exact definition of gaslighting.
Yes, I often say “mihgr-” instead of “migrants” and then cut myself off. Plausible.
I think you’re hearing what you want to hear and getting a hit of the righteous outrage. Misspeaking is a thing, dude. You say “plausible” sarcastically, as if it weren’t actually 100% plausible lol
Sounds like everyone here is “hearing what they want to hear” except you. What does that suggest to you?
“everyone in my echo chamber thinks the same as me” isn’t the own you think it is
You can also claim anything you want if you simply dismiss everything you don’t agree with as biased and worthless, which you appear to be doing here.
Yes, you’re definitely the objective one here lol
What am I not being objective about?
Sometimes I hear an m, sometimes an n. Not gonna shit on you. BUT he doesn’t say migr- as if he’s going to say migrants with the short I like he claims he did, he says -IGGER. You have to simultaneously fuck up two different ways to say it that way. It would be mig-rants, not migger-ants.
Sure. I’d still say that he just fumbled his words, as people do everyday. Importantly, it’s incredibly stupid to hyper focus on someone possibly saying a naughty word when the whole Haitian migrants story is full of real, undeniable, tangible racism. Missing the forest for the trees.
If by fumble you mean Freudian slip, sure.
Your headphones suck because he definitely lead with the “n” and not the “m”. I know the difference in sound between n and m and it was an n. In fact around the 0:35 mark he said, “complaining about Haitian nigge-mngr-migrants”. I don’t know how to spell him correcting himself.
Nah man, you’re hearing what you want to hear. Just look at his lips - they come together as they would with an “m” sound. The exact same way they come together shortly thereafter to say “migrants” properly.
Compare his mouth movement to when he says “in”, his lips do not move together.
Or keep hearing what you want to hear, I don’t care. Nothing I say will change your mind.
In other words, an editor of a magazine that explicitly advocated for white supremacy in the 50’s and 60’s let the mask they’ve since put on slip for a second