They only good use I’ve seen is making dagoth ur say funny things.
They only good use I’ve seen is making dagoth ur say funny things.
OK let’s see your transmogs though
They’re pricey, but you can find prescription inserts for vr headsets.
They still exist? Aight.
Life was so much simpler when he kept his fucking mouth shut and let engineers do cool things.
West Taiwan getting real annoying lately.
Don’t forget, jews have to own the entire holy land before the apocalypse comes and god sends them to hell, according to evangelical Christians.
The people voted!
Ironically enough, Republicans used footage of Russians stuffing ballots as evidence of democrats stuffing ballots.
IGN overrating games is like… Their whole thing. Dissing them because they said BF2042 was good when it wasn’t is like talking shit on the rain for making things wet.
“10/10 IGN” To describe shitty things has been a meme for over a decade, I think.
Railing about the people is not the same as “I am literally not that guy.”
One that’s willing to take the fall for something he didn’t do? This is failing occams razor hard.
Why does he talk about injustice for the country rather than… Y’know, saying they got the wrong guy? The killer was hot, rich, and hated the Healthcare system. They just happened to dig up another hot rich dude that hated ceos and framed him?
Indeed. Wonder how fragile the nativity is.
The American people will feel the poisonous sting of the mighty monarch.
Escalated? Oh do tell me how exactly that’s going to work. We’re already at a full scale invasion with nearly a million casualties. What, are they going to invade harder? Fuck off, spew russian propaganda elsewhere. If you need help grasping the concept, here’s a handy chart.
I love how they just smash “-ies” onto any word. I started using “sunnies” for sunglasses after hanging out with a few aussies.
The original did. I assume this would as well.
We DO NOT want Indians remote driving cars in America holy shit.
They mean mcdonald’s burgers, not real burgers. And the fact that they’re 3.50 is a fucking travesty to begin with.
Yeah, teslas are quite good at keeping things inside during emergency situations.
Like people.