I have yet to find a news article that explains all differences between bill 1 (the one president musk killed by tweeting) and bill 3 (the one congress just passed). I feel like journalists are going to read this over the holidays and in January we’re going to get stories about how lawmakers just defunded the EPA or something.
Also, the 1996 telecom act and privatizing of the internet backbone both played a huge part in creating this awful world where a handful of ISPs and tech/media conglomerates control everything
Also, he made a big deal about taking time off the campaign trail in 1992 to go back to the state where he was governor to personally oversee the execution of a mentally disabled black man named Ricky Ray Rector because he was all “I’m not like those other Democrats, I’m tough on crime!”
e; believe it or not this is the better written 2nd draft