• 465 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I am hoping for a 9 Thermidor

    tl;dr Robespierre and his buddies had been doing a Reign of Terror and guillotining all sorts of his former allies in the Assembly for a bit, when Robespierre gives a speech to them and says (basically) “I know some of you in here are counterrevolutionary traitors, and I will have your heads chopped off too soon enough, but I haven’t decided who yet, so you better all be really nice to me.” That makes a bunch of people in that legislature say (basically) “This crazy little asshole is going to kill us all one by one if we let him, I hate you almost as much as I hate him but let’s work together and stop this already.” Within a few days, Robespierre was dead and France had a new government, which was pretty terrible and got overthrown by another government (which was also pretty terrible, and etc., because French Revolution), but it chopped off fewer heads than Robespierre’s did.

  • in reality the way to fascism, is that the democracy fails to protect itself against it.

    Yeah, uninspiring centrists don’t like to do the whole protecting democracy thing because it might be controversial, so not really seeing your disagreement with this (admittedly simple and meme-ified) model

    USA is very much a flawed democracy. Where all the checks and balances don’t work, when the executive branch is filled with corrupt traitors that don’t give a shit about decency or democracy.

    Couldn’t agree more

    AFAIK congress cannot overthrow a president for being unworthy or acting illegally.

    It’s called impeachment under our system, but I think that’s a lot higher vote threshold than a general no confidence vote like what I think you’re suggesting would be

    And yeah, our legislature being filled with the same kind of corrupt traitors that don’t give a shit about decency or democracy as our executive makes this essentially impossible

    Americans probably thought they were safe, because they have about 200 years of tradition for democracy, so they thought it was so ingrained that it couldn’t fail, because the country is built on it, and the institutions would protect it.

    I would also blame the uninspiring centrists who didn’t want to upset their potential voters by telling them the truth about the dire situation we were/are in. Everytime they brag about some bipartisan legislation like bipartisanship with fascists is a good thing the picture gets muddier for the average voter.