Trump won USA Presidential Elections 🎉🇺🇸😁😁 Who is going to celebrate tonight? 🍾🎈
I do truly look forward for it 🤗
I really liked not living in a fascist country that hates minorities…
Dunno where you were living before, but it doesn’t sound like the America I know lol
Yeah. Thats fair. I’m not prepared for it to be even worse.
What about the ban of unvaccinted from society under Biden regime? That wasn’t a problem?
Not really, no.
Well, then you should study what fasicm is. It’s vilification of group in society which you blame for problems you made. It already happened in Germany before.
That’s not fascism or the vilification of a group. It’s just common sense and for the greater good. Fascism is what the US is about to have for the next 4 years under Trump. And hopefully it’s only 4 years.
Forcing medical procedures on people, threatening them with arrest if they go outside, and censoring info about the vaccine is “for the greater good”? All while the people who were supposed to be protecting us were blatantly breaking their own regulations? How so? Would you throw every American in prison if it meant people were “safer”? What happened to “my body, my choice”?
Your sources are absolute shit. Try harder.
Are you saying these things didn’t happen? What’s wrong with my sources? And again would you imprison the whole country in the name of “safety”?
Do you have somewhere what fascim is if its not persecution or vilification of group in society?
Like I said, this isn’t the correct example for fascism. It’s very far off.
Can you give some example what fasicm is, if this is incorrect?
It’s vilification of group in society which you blame for problems you made
I think you should definitely let Umberto Eco know that his generally accepted definition of fascism is totally wrong. Of course, he did die in 2016, so that will be difficult.
On the other hand, unlike you, he actually lived in a fascist state and experienced fascism first-hand, so maybe he knew a thing or two about it.
Thank you - those are the snippets:
- The cult of action for action’s sake"
- “Disagreement is treason”
- Appeal to a frustrated middle class"
- "Fear of difference
- “Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy” because “life is permanent warfare”
This was the Covid cult under Biden regime and it match it pretty well. Also with Mass Formation as described by Mattias Desmet.
Dude those are all trumps talking points.
You do know that all of those restrictions happened while Trump was president, right? Don’t tell me your memory is this poor.
There is whole article about it on Daily Sceptic from Jeffrey Tucker. If they wouldn’t censor us so eagerly, you would be able to read it sooner.
You’re not entitled to recklessly endangering everyone around you. Thats not a freedom anyone has. Thats not a freedom anyone SHOULD have
Freedom is choice, my body my choice. Not yours.
Now apply that to the abortion controls fuckhead.
Oh wait, they don’t affect you.
Yes, you have the right not to vaccinate, but if you do, your presence will jepordize the saftey of anyone around you, particularly those who medically can’t vaccinate.
It is not oppression to say that if you make a medical choice that threatens other people’s safety, businesses and institutions and not required to allow you to risk the saftey of their other patrons
So abortion should be legal? Their body, their choice right?
Your freedom to cough like a toddler ends at my face. Sorry but that’s just how the world works if you can’t understand that go back to pre-school
In the right circumstance, someone coughing in your face is assault and you would have a right to defend yourself accordingly
Your freedom ends where other freedom begins.
Nah, anti-vaxxers can get fucked.
Don’t worry, we all will be fucked when bird flu becomes rampant because rfk will decimate any protections
RFK is also unwaxed, I love to have him there 🤗💕
If there’s one thing we need in a Trump cabinet, it’s a guy with brain worms that likes to saw off whale skulls and stage bear bike accidents.
Sanity restored to America!
Well that’s one positive. Maybe the whole white house will get covid and put us all out of this misery.
Believe it or not, “unvaccinated” is not a gender, sexuality, ethnicity or religion.
It’s a choice.
You know what’s not a choice? Being queer or brown.
There was also that ban on drink driving, where measures were put in place to stop people doing things that could kill them and just as likely others, but it meant you no longer have the FREEDOM to control what goes into your body and do what you want.
Good regulations exist for a reason - you are welcome to show me your doctorate dissertation that disagrees.
Is that your motivation for voting Trump?
Fucking hell… °–°
The day will come, when the orange cunt comes for you.
Because he will, you think you are safe because you are “one of them”, but you are not. You are not part of the 1%, the ones really safe from him.
And that day, you will regret your vote, but with the amount of hate “your people” is spreading, do you think anyone will care if you are fucked by the one you voted to fuck “the others”?
Nobody will care.
So, what would happen if Trump dies before January?
President Vance 🤮 with a pretext to hunt down political enemies
Is it how it works in the US? Even if he dies BEFORE taking the office?
Edit: I am not necessarily referring to Trump getting shot, his is quite old after all and may simply die of natural causes. I am curious what would legally happen in this scenario.
If the president elect dies before they take office, their running mate is sworn in. They serve a full term that counts towards their 2 term limit.
Doesn’t mean anything if he dies of natural causes, the party that believes in jewish space lasers will cry wolf anyway.
Let them cry wolf. If they say liberals killed him regardless I’ll just be like yeah, we did that shit, just like the hurricanes, eat shit womp womp lol
A collective laugh across the world.
This is where the convoluted system our founders instituted keeps us from descending into anarchy.
People in each state vote for a slate of Electors, who are then bound to vote for the candidate that won in that state, and then the new Congress counts the votes. If a candidate dies before taking office, there are various opportunities for humans (State legislators, electors, Congress) to step in and make a substitution that reflects the will of the people.
And yes, even in states run by Democrats, the legislature and/or electors would probably act to install Vance if Trump incurs God’s Ultimate Veto, because they respect the will of the people.
The only tricky part comes if Trump bites it after EC votes are cast, but before Congress counts them. Members might have a legitimate beef about accepting votes for a deceased candidate. They will probably do it, though. Then we would have to see what happens on inauguration day when the new President is unavailable to serve. In all likelihood, we end up with President Vance anyway.
That’s helpful, thank you.
What if they both (Trump and Vance) die before the electoral college vote?
You realize that you just got put on an FBI list, right?
Anyway, assuming those electors get rejected during the certification process (and they should, at that point, as neither candidate would be able to serve), then Congress gets to choose, with the House choosing the President and the Senate choosing the VP. They can choose whoever they want. But one twist is that each State delegation gets one vote, so California’s 52 Reps get the same vote as Wyoming’s lone rep. The math looks like even if Democrats somehow take control of the House, they may not have enough State delegations to matter in a contingent election.
If enough states are tied that the Presidential vote fails (which is unlikely afaik), the VP vote in the Senate is a straight vote and that person would likely end up President anyway.
If the unfortunate event happens between Jan 6 and Jan 20, and both men are selected but neither can serve, I imagine it would be treated like both positions are vacant at the same time, and the Speaker of the House becomes President on Jan 20
Thank you, that’s quite insightful.
You realize that you just got put on an FBI list, right?
On a completely unrelated matter - what if both Trump, Vance and all Republican members of House and Senate suddenly die? 😂
Still the same, electoral college are the ones voting for the president, not the people, the latter only elect the electors, not the president. GOP will likely produce a new candidate and electors will decide between them and Harris and most likely elect the republican nominee. Theoretically the electoral college could still vote for Harris, some states can have Faithless Electors.
That’s is completely mad. Surely new elections should take place in such circumstances. Idiotic.
Thank you for your reply though.
Elon will over take it.
I know you’re either very very stupid or a effective troll. But that immigrant can’t run for white house because he isn’t American and never will be.
Celebrating a campaign that literally said their plans will cause recession. Good luck with your economic anxiety Republicans.
Why the fuck is this being downvoted? My news feed doesn’t even have one article stating the outcome of the election.
Do you guys know what the downvote button is for?!?
It’s because OP is a douche. And there was another post about this an hour before OP’s, and it shows up on my feed. And there are more in other communities.
Right, so people don’t know what the downvote button is for. We need mods to ban folks who abuse the Downvote button
My news feed doesn’t even have one article stating the outcome of the election.
You need a better news feed. Like maybe one that doesn’t require random people to find top headlines for you.
Theyre all here of lemmy. The issue is that people have downvotes them as if they’re not newsworthy
Trusting Lemmy for your news is not a good plan. Not a good plan at all.
Trump is already over the required 270 mark. He has won.
Yes. And its absent from my feeds default sort because idiots are down voting all the articles about it
You could just look at non-social media and find the answers you were looking for?
I went to Google myself.
The media is having a sulking moment… They took **hours ** to call it, even after it was statistically confirmed.
Becouse Lemmy lost the elections 😏
Your poor spelling is very representative here lol
education really is underfunded. And trump is gonna make that worse. Giving a feedback loop of idiots ruining everything while ironically remaining ignorant of it all
That’s my guy 😁🍻
Ok? Not sure what you’re trying to show but keep sucking daddy dictator off. Make sure to fondle the balls
Down votes don’t mean shit on Lemmy. Just enjoy how hilarious the internet is going to be this week.
What’s hilarious about this entire shit?
I once heard a song that went “well if you don’t know I ain’t gonna tell you”
Okay, so you don’t know either and just want to stir up shit. got it.
You have an internet connection go see for yourself. But because of your delusions you won’t see the humor.
so my statement still stands. Go eat your shit yourself.
Finding other people’s unhappiness hilarious does not make you look like anything but a bad person.
But you’re probably okay with that.