I studier the west is fully aware of that, and is fighting it on multiple fonts
I studier the west is fully aware of that, and is fighting it on multiple fonts
Eat poopy Donnie
Surprised it’s so little
Prosecutors throw the book at people, sentences get reduced by dropping things, aclu better get on this and keep her from getting a stupid plea deal, and fight for free speech
You have your own dictionary?
I don’t think this qualifies as a manifesto. Definition requires that it be public, not found on someone: A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.
Fall guy, planted by the mob to give the NYPD credit that they aren’t just a bunch of guys with big bellies keystone copping around, probably they have a deal with a mob boss to not bust their child exploitation ring if they have them some dude who can sit in prison
He had Ill will against corporate America, nobody would have that unless they were the killer! Sick evidence coppers!
My cousin is one, he is not wealthy. He is solid middle class, not sure it’s about putting workers against workers here
Can we stop with the news articles about what Trump thinks? Jesus, are journalists in his brain? Come on.
Ignore him, until he does anything
I don’t understand the context
So all those articles saying he sold to be in cash because market crash was coming were completely off
I mean… Ooooh sick news gotcha, didn’t have a detail right, who cares?
Gaetz cleaned his own swamp
Ad long as I never hear about him ever again
They are voting again tomorrow, and this time they only need 50% instead of 2/3rds
We are heading for total collapse, very fast
Old man yells at clouds