Closed-source browser extension Pie Adblock was this week accused of copying code and text from rival uBlock Origin in violation of the latter’s software license – the GNU GPL version 3.
Closed-source browser extension Pie Adblock was this week accused of copying code and text from rival uBlock Origin in violation of the latter’s software license – the GNU GPL version 3.
Twitter has become the worst place to post about service status updates. Logged out users aren’t able to see recent posts, so it’s useless.
If you want to use a frontend, get an extension to auto redirect. User choice and whatnot.
I hope he got the rental insurance.
They can probably include it with PH Premium.
It’s more like he never turned it on.
“Mom says it’s my turn with the Donbas.”
I am number 2.
Even on mobile I get no ads.
Still better than coal in every way.
It even copied over my browser cookies.
I think the smart switch app has special permission to read other apps’ data, so it copies your session data to your new phone.
Missed opportunity to say “do their business”
You traded your hub caps for data caps.
Make a right turn, cut through Mr Robinson’s back yard.
There’s also the third option of “They agree 100%”
I mean, some US states have lower… We need to work on it.
At least in the early days of email before gmail, hotmail, or yahoo, you would get assigned an email from your work, university, or ISP.
And a tv celebrity is going to be the commander in chief. This isn’t surprising.
For-profit ad blockers make their money from either ad injection or extorting ad companies to whitelist their ads. This is why the original adblock plus fell out of use.