If you’re snooping here, you gotta calm yourself down.
If Sony is willing to put up a bunch of money to get a game made with a 3rd party company like Square, and if Square wouldn’t have been able to make the game otherwise, then being an exclusive could be the only reason it exists.
Similar to Alan Wake 2, which I still haven’t played, it’s possible that this game owes its existence to the exclusivity agreement giving the necessary upfront funds to get the game development going.
But this isn’t like the previous generations of exclusive consoles. These consoles are significantly more expensive, development on video games is significantly more expensive, and the profit margin that you could make from being exclusive to just a single console is significantly lower.
This is a combination of ballooning budgets, expensive hardware with lower sales, and the PC gaming market looming over Sony and Microsoft’s shoulders. And don’t forget to mention the explosion of the free to play, micro transaction riddled games they also have to compete with for screen time now.
Does this mean exclusives will go away? Probably not. If it’s financially beneficial to go exclusive, they’ll do it again.
But it does mean that the gap between the potential gained revenue of not going exclusive and the potential locked in revenue from the exclusivity agreement is currently looking razor thin.
Oh don’t dismiss that they’re also graphics and programming wizards. They don’t work with the cutting edge, but they run circles around anyone on the lower end, making games look and run better on potato hardware is no easy feat.
I’d argue the optimization required to make something like that happen is significantly more skillful than all of the crap AAA stuff that takes 250gb and requires shader compilations every boot.
All paying their tithe.
They didn’t need to ask permission, you couldn’t do anything to stop them anyways.
But if you dare steal from them, even when it technically isn’t theft, they will come at you with everything they got.
With what games? Sega doesn’t have the catalogue to demand a subscription.
The CEO has probably never actually been in the building.
Oh just wait until they all start supplying trump with whatever data or tools he needs to do some really heinous shit.
You sound like an economical slave, why do you accept the situation?
Because I need food and shelter otherwise I die.
The bounty dispatcher or whatever is a woman version of budget Snake Plissken and a smoker, but the voice actor sounded like she was lifted from a 1940s movie and had never smoked a day in her life (rare, I know, but still). I expected at least a hint of gruffness from her character and got absolutely zero of that.
I felt the same way when I heard her voice. Not near rough enough for how that character looked.
He’s gonna cram through a half baked autopilot, sell it to everyone, and kill so many people without reporting any of the accidents and pass the fault to the driver.
He doesn’t actually believe anything he espouses. He only says these things to further his goal of self enrichment to our detriment.
I’m more excited about the gameplay, but to each their own.
Maybe read the article next time? You missed the part where they’re not actually going after pedophiles. They’re luring gay people on Grindr and then gang up and attack these people and force them to say they’re pedophiles on camera so they can share it on social media.
This is the exact opposite of going after pedophiles.
If you wanna catch a pedophile, do it with the police. These kids are just preying on people and hoping to go viral.
Who said he’s willing to take the fall? He pled not guilty.
At the same time, this could be your typical Kojima fuckery where he makes it seem like he’s talking about himself, but he’s actually talking about an exhaustion mechanic from Death Stranding.
Don’t worry. Trump’s administration will stop looking, that’ll make the problem go away.
Justice can be swift when it wants to.
Think about that next time you wonder why Trump managed to dodge everything. The courts and ruling class gave him that gift.