Judge Gregory Carro ordered him to remain handcuffed, calling it a security measure.
Oh yeah, any second now he’ll pull out his ass gun he’s been hiding for months in prison and go hog wild. This guy doesn’t have a chance at a fair trial.
Kangaroo court.
The bullet proof vest is hilarious too. This dude didn’t kill a kid and the parent is gunning for him.
A professional assassin hired by wealthy CEOs wouldn’t care.
Probably standard procedure for high profile.
It’s a security measure to make sure no one else gets the wrong idea and emulates him. They have to treat him poorly and make an example out of him.
I hope it backfires.
Relevant Key and peele ass gun
TBH probably to hinder escape if the crowd were to riot. They also kept the cuffs on his feet.
Yeah, because the 4 cops standing right behind him staring holes in the back of his head the whole time wouldn’t be able to stop that 🙄
Don’t make excuses for this kangaroo court demonstrating how much more they value rich people than any other victims.
How was that an excuse? They tried to derive a possible reasning. Murderers often get cuffed and noone cares when theyre not goodlooking robin hoods. Noone is questioning the hipocrisy of the court and police but answering it with just as much hipocrisy doesnt help.
Yeah, they’re NOT doing anywhere near this level of security for any first time offender who’s only killed one person who ISN’T a CEO of a parasitic corporation.
Don’t pretend that this amount of melodramatic posturing is the norm even in a “justice” system as corrupt as the US one.
You’re saying 4 cops can stop a riot? Maybe if they took the danny devito approach.
You saying cuffs can stop a riot? Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey.
Cuffs around wrists and ankles stop people from running away during a riot.
They wouldn’t stop said COMPLETELY hypothetical rioters from picking him up and carrying him away.
Just stop. You’re defending real oppression by imagining unlikely scenarios where it MIGHT be justified. That’s how you get a police state.
I hope you never work in aerospace.
They’d probably just dome him immediately if that happened anyway. The cuffs are just for show.
They’ve had plenty of chances to simply dome him,I’m not surprised you murder cultists can’t think of any conclusions other than clubbing things over the head unga bunga
The cuffs are just for show
Yeah, to show their rich masters how much more seriously they take it when it’s one of them on the receiving end for once.
Our boy looks good in a vest
It’s green. Rumor has it it’s a fan nod (on purpose, was being suggested on subreddits).
Yeah, cuz they know…
Given the overwhelming support for him online I’d say his legal team wouldn’t be doing their jobs properly if they didn’t know.
I’m more pointing out that randos on a sub declaring facts. Course legal knows.
If the US is gonna get out of this mess, it’s because they will have rallied behind Luigi’s cause, not some left-right bullshit, even with the right being nazi cunts. Hating rich assholes screwing everybody over unites people. It did unite. It united so many people so much that media coverage of it largely stopped. So where do you suppose your power is?
So they actually put a vest on him this time after doing the 20 person perp walk with no vest the first time.
and the clown, mayor adams was walking behind him too.
Dude definitely looks good in green.
Next president of the United States. I can’t wait to be part of the billionaire extermination task force