That’s a bit harsh… matches may be cheap, but they’re not worthless.
That’s a bit harsh… matches may be cheap, but they’re not worthless.
arson is
I pray someone or some group finally takes off all kiddie gloves and gives trump (and thereby me and others in the country as collateral) a divine smackdown
Regarding Nazi property: if it can be turned against them, better; but if not, destruction is second-best.
The loss of productivity and environmental damage of letting Nazis persist in any fashion far outweigh any value the objects hold on their own.
The most value we can extract from that trash is the message it sends as it’s burning to the ground.
Why can’t we go back to small phones?
Murican here. More of this please. We’ve swan-dived into some record setting ‘fuck around’, and desperately need a ‘find out’ that hurts enough to teach a lasting lesson.
Justice delayed is justice denied. And we’re pushing half a decade of no consequences for some of his crimes.
The law doesn’t mean shit.
or some shot to deal with this.
I mean…
That would be an important finding if the law actually meant shit.
Not really, tbh. He’s pretty clearly just doing as much damage as he possibly can. This whole “Oooh whoopsie, we did a bad, does anyone want their job back?” shit is pure show to give himself some plausible deniability to keep the guillotines at bay.
If you look at what’s happening through the lens of his goal being malice, and ignore the “ooooops!” pony show, what you see is a man who’s hamstrung an entire nation with literally zero consequences.
Yo, air traffic controllers still at work: if y’all have ever considered going on strike, now’s the time.
Be sure to provide appropriate furniture.
Close: they are enemies of the United States acting out of malice toward the goal of weakening the United States.
We are under attack.
Downhill Domination is… honestly stupid as all hell, but by design: it’s a lot of fun :P
It’s a downhill mountain bike racing game with a combat system, and it’s ridiculous. You start being able to punch the bicyclists next to you; once you knock enough of them off their bikes you upgrade to being able to kick; then iirc you eventually get a stick or something lol. Otherwise, it’s just another get-from-point-A-to-B-as-fast-as-possible game that doesn’t require a lot of thought.
Dark Cloud 1 definitely earns its spot on the list, too!
One of the weirdest games I’ve ever played: Okage: Shadow King.
Think Final Fantasy gameplay + Zelda: Majora’s Mask level of being genuinely bizarre as all hell.
Fair warning, the music will be stuck in your head for the rest of your life.
…so grain of salt, cuz the name of this one doesn’t sound right, but the screenshots look correct: Gradius V?
Side scroller arcade-y jet fighter - I remember it being good.
I just don’t remember it being called Gradius >_<
Soul Reaver did NOT age well, but fuck was that a good series for its time.
Honestly just a sheet of coarse grit sandpaper would do the trick. Would take all of about three seconds to scratch a big ol swastika on the back of a swasticar.
…it’s like the automotive version of carving a swastika onto the foreheads of the Nazis in Inglorious Basterds, lol.