I played so much goldeneye that when someone fired it up almost 20 years later the controls were still in my muscle memory. I played fps on pc even back then so I knew the controller wasn’t ideal, but it worked well enough.
I played so much goldeneye that when someone fired it up almost 20 years later the controls were still in my muscle memory. I played fps on pc even back then so I knew the controller wasn’t ideal, but it worked well enough.
I know it’s petty to criticize a name but I can’t help but thinking Huckabee is one of the dumbest rednecky sounding name every time I see her or her dad’s stupid fucking face.
“Awr shucks, I’m just a simple Huckasands and I want to take your rights away because I’m a dumb evil piece of shit waste of life”
I ran across something from a recent Some More News segment that said “weird” was working but it recently came out that some advisor in the Harris campaign (named Geoff Garin) said to stop doing it and pivot to trying to pick up the “moderate gop” vote (whatever tf that means). I guess he was responding to people criticizing him on blue sky by saying basically “you don’t know shit”.
Curse you, AI from 1974!
I like your optimism but trump will hug Eric and tell him he loves him and that he’s the bestest boy ever before he implements universal health care
Oh McTurtle, if only there was a way to prevent this that didn’t involve you being a craven trickle of diarrhea. Alas, doing a single moral thing was far beyond your ability. You only deserve as many more strokes as the number of people you’ve fucked over in your life.
Looks like my s10 won’t run it either unfortunately
New England is one of the least religious places in the country, too. The statue survived 48 hours up there-- bet it wouldn’t have made it 12 in the south.
Haven’t they been doing this for review bombing for a number of years now?
Electives requirements for a masters is bonkers. I was trying to do one in ed and one school I talked to was really picky about what they’d give me credit for (like I needed a Shakespeare class and my undergrad tragedy class didn’t count even though we read a bunch of Shakespeare in it). After everything they said I’d basically need 3 years for it. I said thanks but no thanks and went and found a school with a 1 year masters program haha
The narration from that video has a poetic bent
I wake to the warmth of the waxing salt sun, and before I draw breath it sidewinds to the beetle moon. I muse on my many selves, think of the jewels I’ve loosened from the lime, and all the myriad forms space and time have lathed me to. I dream of the sky shelf and its cosmic tilt, the movers that ferried strangers across stellar gulfs and toward their numinous ends. The earth falls away to light and dust, and I dream no more. Now we become the specters that peopled the Caves of Qud.
Yeah it looks fun but I’m worried the learning curve is a little too steep to approach casually. I could see getting into it but it’d have to be at a time when I could really sink some hours into gaming time, like during some holidays or something.
I wonder what separates games from movies as disposable media, especially with games that are meant to be cinematic/telling a story. Like Spec Ops is loosely based on Heart of Darkness and has a strong narrative, but without that is just a sort of middling shooter. So once you know the story it doesn’t have a ton of replayability, but it’s still impactful in the way a good movie is.
Why not the free weekly epic giveaways as well? There have been some good games for free in the past
Flying fish: checkmate
It’s cool watching people of different skill levels than you, not just the pros I think. Also when people take on challenges that take a long time, you can kind of skip through the vid at your leisure.
Plus sometimes you just don’t have the energy to game. It’s like Matt Groening said in that old Life is Hell comic (although about tv): Why is tv the best pal of all? When you’re tired, tv does the playing for you.
haven’t played it-- how do the mechanics change with the story?
I’m not even from canada and I knew r/onguardforthee was the less shitty version of r/canada. I’m not sure why she’s surprised they’re being shit.