What gets measured gets improved. The inverse is also true - what doesn’t get (or can’t be) measured deteriorates.
Google had a uniquely employee-friendly culture and probably the highest morale amongst the FAANG companies. But Sundar apparently couldn’t assign a value to that like he could quarterly balance sheet improvements, and at some point it appears to have disappeared from his decision tree entirely.
So it’s no surprise they discarded their entire company culture and are so concerned with the same Wall Street-pleasing nonsense efficiency metrics as a typical company. Google is no longer special in any way.
I tried to upvote you three times while reading your comment. The missing piece was the rise of “anti-woke” voices inside the company itself. Lots of crackpots with inflated egos started getting really vocal over the lockdowns when they didn’t have anyone staring them down in person for being fucking morons.
What a goddamn hellhole we’ve allowed these assholes to create where people have to beg for severance every 6 months when they expect to be fired.
One word: unionize.
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