Yes, not really better at all. These donations are all symbols, not meaningful except as a show of obeisance. So we should interpret it along the same symbolic parameters.
It’s being framed as a personal donation because Cook is acquiescing to Trump’s pending authoritarian takeover, but wants plausible deniability that that imputes to Apple. But since Tim Cook is the one acquiescing and he leads Apple, it’s indistinguishable from the same thing. It carries the same message: Apple won’t get in your way, do what you will.
Yeah, there are way too many people here nitpicking about whether it’s functioning as an auto-complete. That is entirely inconsequential to the fact that its results were deceptive - not incorrect or vague or “not actually AI” - and were structured to mislead the authority.
It’s a likely intractable problem because you can’t just give a stronger system prompt or remove deceptive techniques from training data, when it’s specifically contradicting the prompt and the training data is the Internet. That’s the real problem here.