The fmhy wiki is great and i want to make a wiki with the same backend but cant find what it uses
It looks like vitepress.
At first glance it just looks like it’s hosted on github. Maybe their repo wiki feature, or plain github pages?
edit: yeah, the source url is so a github wiki.
So how could i get a similar site up with my own domain?
Check out Github Pages on how to publish a site hosted in Github. I never did this myself, so take this as hearsay. Basically it allows you to publish a repo of markdown files to HTML pages without local tools like pandoc.
I did a quick lookaround for advice on setting up a wiki-only site, and I couldn’t find an easy answer. Have a look through this awesome-list for ideas and best practices.
Probably markdown source, markdown to html with some tool (pandoc) with relative link, then it is static page
Edit: gitlab also have “gitlab pages” for similar feature
Pandoc does allow you to make “github styled” PDFs and HTML from markdown, can confirm! It doesn’t have any of the widgets, but the text formatting looks the same.
edit: i think this is frontend no?
Ask on their github I don’t see it listed anywhere, but it should be listed.