I ses the referrer hash in mbin, so that checks out.
I used to make comics. I know that because strangers would look at my work and immediately share their most excruciatingly banal experiences with me:
— that time a motorised wheelchair cut in front of them in the line at the supermarket;
— when the dentist pulled the wrong tooth and they tried to get a discount;
— eating off an apple and finding half a worm in it;
every anecdote rounded of with a triumphant “You should make a comic about that!”
Then I would take my 300 pages graphic novel out of their hands, both of us knowing full well they weren’t going to buy it, and I’d smile politely, “Yeah, sure. Someday.”
“Don’t try to cheat me out of my royalties when you publish it,” they would guffaw and walk away to grant comics creator status onto their next victim.
Nowadays I make work that feels even more truly like comics to me than that almost twenty years old graphic novel. Collage-y, abstract stuff that breaks all the rules just begging to be broken. Linear narrative is ashes settling in my trails, montage stretched thin and warping in new, interesting directions.
I teach comics techniques at a university level based in my current work. I even make an infrequent podcast talking to other avantgarde artists about their work in the same field.
Still, sometimes at night my subconscious whispers the truth in my ear: Nobody ever insists I turn their inane bullshit nonevents into comics these days, and while I am a happier, more balanced person as a result of that, I guess that means I don’t make comics any longer after all.
I ses the referrer hash in mbin, so that checks out.
Yeah, that still seems weird to me. Does it connect the post in any way to the magazine (especially Lemmy communities), or just end up a hashtag if people read from a fedi microblog instance?
But… Lemmy isn’t for following accounts. That’s a microblog feature. Maybe follow them on Mastodon or similar network?
Probably not —
You can follow FediMeteo directly in the Fediverse (on Mastodon and compatible platforms)
AFAIK the Lemmy/Mastodon compatibility isn’t great as they use activitypub for different purposes.
Besides, what would be the point of posting weather reports on Lemmy? So you can discuss their accuracy?
FediMeteo is dedicated to my grandfather, who every evening would give me the weather forecast based on TV, radio, and his personal experience. He would convince me that the weather would be bad, so he had an excuse to accompany me to school instead of me going alone.
That’s a lovely anecdote, but also an argument against keeping up with weather prognoses — if you’ve already decided your preferred outcome based on your plans and desires for the next day 🙂
Yeah, that’s the kind of unhelpful condescension I recognise from that “enthusiastic” community. Thanks for the nitpick.
I tried Yunohost once, and everything worked as long as I stuck to the officially supported apps. The community forum was supportive within reason, and would respond with advice fairly quickly. When I reported an error with an unofficial app, however, I was instantly told off that I shouldn’t expect any help.
Now, having used and admined my Linux desktop systems for a decade (without claiming to be an actual sysadmin), I nosed around the system a bit and to my eyes it seemed a right mess of app and user folders, permissions and containers. Surely, a combination of my limited understanding of server apps and a system that is made primarily for GUI use to make administration easier for beginners.
What I mean to say is, if you already run a set of working docker containers, you’re probably more advanced than the intended Yunohost user. I was that half ounce more literate that I became frustrated with the GUI-centric setup, and imperial pounds too illiterate to actually muck around in the command line.
Look at it this way, Yunohost offers a fraction of the apps available on Docker, and not all of them are maintained. They do offer a graphic admin interface and out-of-the-box working setups (or did five years ago when I tried it).
This tool is intended for use with non-DRM, legally acquired eBooks only. The authors are not responsible for any misuse of this software or any resulting legal consequences.
Use this tool responsibly and in accordance with all applicable laws.
Uh huh, yep. Also, will definitely not be putting any audiobook readers out of a job.
Any time you need to remind users to “use this tool responsibly”, you know very well that’s not going to happen.
No worries. Given the season, surely it’s the recurring Bahhum bug.
Probably true. I don’t see anything like that in the article, though?
So what I take away after a quick skim on xmas eve is… this is an attempt at one app for all (or big parts) of the fediverse?
I think this is the most mature and versatile one? Bookwyrm is nice for what it does, but it’s only books.
I guess White’s Web3 is going just great updates hurt some butts? I mean, it can’t be fun to be up to your neck in an elaborate scam and have somebody keep showing you receipts proving that you’re in fact up to your neck in an elaborate scam.
If I understand correctly, OP is after the non-Russian Pale Moon browser start page, not the project home page.
Ooh, that is salty! Will give it a try next time the family isn’t around to turn up their noses at my kitchen experiments.
Yeah, Nutella… I think it was the banana+pizza search query that sent me into crêpe-adjacent dessert territory.
I’m genuinely curious, can’t find many banana pizza recipes that aren’t smeared with nutella as well. I assume this is a white pizza base since you mention mascarpone? Then banana topping with a sprinkle of grated hard cheese?
Tell me more, I’m a glutton for punishment.
Good to know, I’ll brace myself for disappointment when I try out Docker next 😄
Oh, I tested YNH for a while on a local server, and I wiped the whole thing when I saw the mess it made of my file system. I must have a deeper need to know where everything goes than the urge for convenience 😄
Maybe even a note why this is worth clicking on, and not just a lazy teen spamming /all with anything they come across on a school night.
That may just be my preference 🤔