The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is to cut cooperation with 500 scientists affiliated with Russian institutions from November 30. Around 100 have joined non-Russian institutes in order to continue their physics research work with Europe’s particle-physics laboratory.
I recall this being announced earlier in the year, and it’s the result of current (5yr) contracts expiring and not specifically tied to a recent development in the war or anything like that. CERN just decided not to renew contracts with Russian scientists who are solely affiliated with Russian institutes but had to wait for them to run out, and as the article points out, this already happened to scientists from Belarus back in June.
Yep. It’s still interesting to see if posted. The most interesting thing is the number of scientists who are cutting ties with Russian institutions instead of going home. Brain drain is real.
“Just decided”, like they made the decision on a whim? It’s naive at best to pretend like this isn’t because of Russia’s 2+ years of war crimes and sabre rattling at anyone that looks at them funny or happens to share a border.
You misread my comment. I said “just” as in “simply” not “recently.” Words can have multiple meanings and uses. My point was that this is not an abrupt decision and has been in the works for quite a while because of the war, but it was not based on a decision “specifically tied to a recent development” in said war because it had been announced months ago in June when Belarus got kicked out. They just/simply have been waiting for the contracts of both groups of scientists to expire before sending them home for quite some time.
There’s yet another meaning of “just” - unrelated to anything else. The comment read like it was dismissing any relation to the war at all. If that’s not what you meant, than fair enough.
I feel really bad for these scientists. The decision is perfectly reasonable, but being punished for something completely out of your control must suck.
Around 100 have joined non-Russian institutes in order to continue their physics research work with Europe’s particle-physics laboratory.
Not exactly “completely out of your control”, I’d say.
Probably not everyone can land an offer though even if they wanted to
I’m not sure they can really vote Putin out of power.
And as for moving country, well I’m sure that’s easy for some, but those with family and commitments I can’t imagine it’s easy
I’m not saying they have easy choices. Or good choices. But they do choose. We all do. I’d even say life is all about making small, imperfect choices.
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Are they going to expel scientist affiliated with israel institutions too?
Probably not, because Israel is a full member of CERN, Russia was only an observer.
No. Israel scientists get free pizza at lunchtime. Would you like to contribute to the pizza fund?
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