Free in NZ too, if that helps.
Free in NZ too, if that helps.
As soon as they sew sone new numbers we’ll know
China just wants to keep its organ harvesting industry going. Each of those accused will walk out of prison in 5 years with one kidney.
I didn’t know dinosaurs dated.
The sign is not in Australia.
How we do it in my country.
Nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.
You said you meant it. I wanted to be sure.
You mean that?
You mean that?
You mean that?
Why? I got my wife a SemiKong and she loves it.
We hide behind obfuscated language when we dont want to say things.
There are rotten people in any society. But in the US police brutality is endemic. Where I live the police don’t usually carry guns and don’t have the mindset that everyone is a dangerous offender. When they interact with you they do so from a place of respect. When i was first visiting my country we were pulled over for speeding and although we got a ticket, conversation ensued, the kind between people from distant countries who are curious about others’ experiences. We pulled away with a dinner invite and are still friends to this day. When there is a police car behind me I have absolutely no stress and I know my plates are not being run. One of the biggest complaints in my country is that cops are too lenient. So while im sure there are other countries where ACAB, i think the acronym should be AACAB.
Seems to me that the supreme court shouldnt be able to be “urged” to rule the wants of an executive
Decades ago the corporatists and oligarchs traded in the currency of societal need and societal trends. Having exploited those markets and needing more, they’ve perfected leveraging societal stupidity. Stupidity is the currency that now powers capitalism.
You mean that?
If it helps to get you to write your congressman and/or protest, I’ll mention that here in NZ the vaxes and boosters have always been free. Most prescriptions here are $5 or free. Test kits have been free (as many as you need) for a few years. Only a few months ago did they stop being free. Now they’re about $5 USD. Children’s dental care is free until they are 18. Young children get 20 hours free daycare per week. Of course, “free” means taxpayer funded.