Halo 5 had a lot of problems. Bit it’s a damned masterpiece compared to Infinite.
Halo 5 had great gunplay, Warzone Firefight was a blast, the Guardians were a great stand-in for the Halo rings, Cortana was an intimidating enemy by the end of the game, the lootboxes were actually better than the armor cores and marketplace from Infinite.
There are A LOT of negatives in there too. But a lot of positives. Infinite is just a shitshow from the beginning.
Them just retconning Cortana was such a letdown. Honestly while 5 wasn’t great, it did set up infinite to be really really good. Then they went with a really boring alternative.
This is my biggest complaint. Halo 6 was set up to be an amazing game. Then Infinite ended up with zero story. The most interesting stuff in Infinite were the little flashback sequences that bridge 5 to Infinite.
You can really tell that campaign took a back seat in the game. A shame because the open world was honestly a lot of fun, it was just empty and hollow because of such of a lame story. You could have been jumping between worlds fighting Cortana for the survival of the human race. Instead… we’re lost on a ring again, and we’re fighting a brute guy we don’t care about, while desperate for any actual story about what the hell happened
I STRONGLY disagree. 5 was a letdown with some bright spots. Infinite is offensively bad with no redeeming value.
Even if you remove Infinite, 5’s combat is better than 4’s in every single way. I would split second worst between those two depending on what aspects you’re comparing.
I have a lot of problems with it. Between the “story” and the copy-paste map. I would rather the game didn’t exist, because at least then they could make a follow up to 5’s end.
I really don’t want to spoil your fun if you’re enjoying it though. A lot of the gameplay elements are fun to play around with.
It did not release with co-op. I think they had to figure out how to make it work with the open world map and zip lining. When I had finished it, it still didn’t have it. When they added it, they also announced that they had stopped trying to make local co-op work.
As far as I know, they gave up on assassinations too. To be honest, by the time I finished the game, the missing features were at the bottom of the list of problems I had with it.
Yeah there’s a reason there hasn’t been much interested in Xbone emulation, almost everything worth emulating has gotten PC ports over the years or is also on PS3 which does have a good emulator. Maybe if Sunset Overdrive was still a console exclusive I’d bother, but I guess this is cool for some peeps.
343 just sucks at making good halo stories, great gameplay (on infinite atleast), but they just don’t know where to take the story. I was disappointed in 4 skipped 5 and infinite was another halfbaked story that just felt empty.
343 is okay at making gameplay, but they are not good at making Halo gameplay. I mean, Halo 4 was just Call of Duty with Halo window dressing. And it makes sense because 343 was so proud to announce that they hired people who hate Halo to work on Halo. Well look how that turned out.
As the other reply said, half the (H4) game was good. But they listened to the haters and changed up H5 dropping or rehashing the majority of things from H4. Then they capitulated again and threw everything out for H6 and gave us essentially H7 in all but name.
Years spent bringing everything to a head for 6 with Cortana, the Guardians, even Halo Wars. Then it’s all confined to audio logs.
I want to finish that damn story 343. Not whatever the fuck Infinite was.
I couldn’t get through Halo 4’s campaign when it was released as part of the MCC, nor was I able to get though Halo Infinite’s (it wasn’t bad, just… meh; nowhere near as good as the Bungie campaigns but not trash either, just not as good). I would still like the option to play Halo 5 on PC just so I have the ability to play the main campaign, plus I’ve heard it’s the best multiplayer Halo? But yeah. Even if I never actually play it, it’s nice to have the option.
On a tangential note, I think 343’s Halo games would have been considered good if it wasn’t for Bungie’s Halo. I don’t think their campaigns are honestly bad, per se (though again, haven’t tried to play H5), they’re just bad in comparison to the “OG” games.
Nobody was missing out on anything. All of 343s Halo games have been garbage, but Halo 5 takes the garbage cake home.
The translation layer is awesome for every other game though.
Forza horizon 2 is the only game I can think of that I would use this for.
It’s still important for video game preservation, no matter how crappy the games themselves might be.
Halo 5 had a lot of problems. Bit it’s a damned masterpiece compared to Infinite.
Halo 5 had great gunplay, Warzone Firefight was a blast, the Guardians were a great stand-in for the Halo rings, Cortana was an intimidating enemy by the end of the game, the lootboxes were actually better than the armor cores and marketplace from Infinite.
There are A LOT of negatives in there too. But a lot of positives. Infinite is just a shitshow from the beginning.
Them just retconning Cortana was such a letdown. Honestly while 5 wasn’t great, it did set up infinite to be really really good. Then they went with a really boring alternative.
This is my biggest complaint. Halo 6 was set up to be an amazing game. Then Infinite ended up with zero story. The most interesting stuff in Infinite were the little flashback sequences that bridge 5 to Infinite.
You can really tell that campaign took a back seat in the game. A shame because the open world was honestly a lot of fun, it was just empty and hollow because of such of a lame story. You could have been jumping between worlds fighting Cortana for the survival of the human race. Instead… we’re lost on a ring again, and we’re fighting a brute guy we don’t care about, while desperate for any actual story about what the hell happened
Halo 5 is still the worst Halo game.
I STRONGLY disagree. 5 was a letdown with some bright spots. Infinite is offensively bad with no redeeming value.
Even if you remove Infinite, 5’s combat is better than 4’s in every single way. I would split second worst between those two depending on what aspects you’re comparing.
Do people not like infinite? A mate and I are playing coop currently and I’m really enjoying it.
It’s in a more or less acceptable state now and I play it, but it sure doesn’t live up to the original 10 year live service promise.
I have a lot of problems with it. Between the “story” and the copy-paste map. I would rather the game didn’t exist, because at least then they could make a follow up to 5’s end.
I really don’t want to spoil your fun if you’re enjoying it though. A lot of the gameplay elements are fun to play around with.
Infinite has coop now??
As far as I recall, Infinite has had online co-op, just not local/split screen co-op.
But don’t quote me on that!
It did not release with co-op. I think they had to figure out how to make it work with the open world map and zip lining. When I had finished it, it still didn’t have it. When they added it, they also announced that they had stopped trying to make local co-op work.
The Master Chief Collection doesn’t have split screen campaigns on PC
So fucking upsetting getting it all set up only to be told it’s online only. It’s fucking Halo!!!
Then even more pissed off that it’s in the console version. Why cut features between the two??
Jeez, no wonder Infinite has always had such a bad reputation then!
As far as I know, they gave up on assassinations too. To be honest, by the time I finished the game, the missing features were at the bottom of the list of problems I had with it.
Yeah there’s a reason there hasn’t been much interested in Xbone emulation, almost everything worth emulating has gotten PC ports over the years or is also on PS3 which does have a good emulator. Maybe if Sunset Overdrive was still a console exclusive I’d bother, but I guess this is cool for some peeps.
I was a big LAN player in the heyday of the original, even got through 4.
That trash game came with the xbone I bought for my wife and I still couldn’t play it.
343 just sucks at making good halo stories, great gameplay (on infinite atleast), but they just don’t know where to take the story. I was disappointed in 4 skipped 5 and infinite was another halfbaked story that just felt empty.
343 is okay at making gameplay, but they are not good at making Halo gameplay. I mean, Halo 4 was just Call of Duty with Halo window dressing. And it makes sense because 343 was so proud to announce that they hired people who hate Halo to work on Halo. Well look how that turned out.
They capitulate too much.
As the other reply said, half the (H4) game was good. But they listened to the haters and changed up H5 dropping or rehashing the majority of things from H4. Then they capitulated again and threw everything out for H6 and gave us essentially H7 in all but name.
Years spent bringing everything to a head for 6 with Cortana, the Guardians, even Halo Wars. Then it’s all confined to audio logs.
I want to finish that damn story 343. Not whatever the fuck Infinite was.
Yea infinite was strange because the whole thing was like a prologue
Half of Halo 4 was the best Halo story. The other half of it was the worst Halo story.
I couldn’t get through Halo 4’s campaign when it was released as part of the MCC, nor was I able to get though Halo Infinite’s (it wasn’t bad, just… meh; nowhere near as good as the Bungie campaigns but not trash either, just not as good). I would still like the option to play Halo 5 on PC just so I have the ability to play the main campaign, plus I’ve heard it’s the best multiplayer Halo? But yeah. Even if I never actually play it, it’s nice to have the option.
On a tangential note, I think 343’s Halo games would have been considered good if it wasn’t for Bungie’s Halo. I don’t think their campaigns are honestly bad, per se (though again, haven’t tried to play H5), they’re just bad in comparison to the “OG” games.
Pew pew pew!