Stolen from mastodon
Their caption “look, it’s all my favorite streaming services on one platform!” Is probably better than mine lol
Something I can agree on!
What are good sites for this great erm… streaming service
Qbitorrent has a search function which works great for legal content.
Torrent Client + VLC. Call me old fashioned.
Stremio + torrentio + real debrid
For a better user experience, try Weyd + Premiumize.
I’d recommend Torbox or other debrid as Real-Debrid is under DMCA Anti Piracy Filters.
It appears its effects are invisible from now but you can expect visible changes in service in the long run.
Thanks for the heads up! Glad I have only been buying monthly subs for real debrid recently. Will take a look at Torbox.I have also heard good things about premiumize.
Well Torbox had its problems when lots of Real-Debrid users migrated but now it’s pretty stable ! It is pricier though but, well, it’s the kind of price i’m willing to pay. Oh, and Torbox indexes and streams Usenet (as far as i can tell).
Oh snap. I just paid for 6 months. Time to start looking into my options for when it expires.
Premiumize is good, and supports Usenet too (which is very useful for rare/unpopular content)
Thanks, I’ve actually been looking and that was probably my top contender so far, so it’s nice to see it suggested. Twice as expensive as real Debrid is a tough sell though if I’m honest, and that’s assuming I get the year upfront.
Decisions, decisions…
They do have Black Friday sales that make it a bit cheaper.
Just don’t do it in Germany or you’ll end up paying a lot more
Just don’t get caught
What do you mean?
Don’t let yourself get caught in Germany or you’ll get a lovely letter :)
Germany has implemtend a lot of measures against torrenting, effectively killing the entire scene. When you look on TPB, there is only like 4-5 recent movies in German. I don’t know what exactly they’re a doing here, but it seems to be quite effective :/
They fine people who pirate
Really? Tor or VPN dont work?
$0 - Lifetime subscription
I dunno, maybe I just had crappy indexers but usenet was always more miss than hit for me. Maybe it’s superior to public torrents but private trackers are the gold standard.
How does one even get on a private server these days? (Feel free to DM)
For the “low hanging” trckers: r/opensignups
From there you can pivot to higher tier trackers.
If your taste is more “normal” mid-tier trackers are usually sufficient and the requirements are still sane there.Advice: Try to get into TL (google the name, you’ll find it). Thwy usually have entrys open during all major (western) holidays like Eastern, summer, Christmas
Certain ones, like music trackers, can still be interviewed into. Once you get into an initial tracker and establish yourself, it becomes easier to find / get into new ones via forum invites. It’s a long road but barring a time machine it’s the easiest way.
We need a fediverse sbubby version.
I think majority of people do not know what torrent streaming service is. But it’s fine because we can stream more freely.
I am seeding movies/tv shows via clearnet and i2p lmk if you’re looking for smth
Noticed that these platform’s logos are very based on a round like movement
Crunchiroll: Am I a joke to you?
Yes. Yes you “arr”
It occurs to me this could be considered a low effort post, if this isnt welcome please feel free to take it down or let me know and take it down myself, I don’t wish to submit stuff that isn’t a fit for the community :)
Well this exact image was posted a month ago - Here and I’m pretty sure I saw it posted before then as well.
However people are giving you the up arrows so I don’t think it really matters tbh.
I believe my counter hit 5 for how long I am part of this (I wanted to write tracker) community.
Including r/piracy we are well above that.