Oh snap. I just paid for 6 months. Time to start looking into my options for when it expires.
Oh snap. I just paid for 6 months. Time to start looking into my options for when it expires.
Enjoy it man. Truly. Mine are 10 and 13. 5 years until she’s an adult. I remember when she started school at 5. I know it’s cliché but time does go by. Make as much of it “all fun” as you can. Within reason of course haha.
That’s true. I think the best thing anyone can do for themselves is mitigate as much of that as you can. Obviously you can be dealt a shit hand and get a physical or mental impairment as you get older that’s out of your control. But if you can stay as mentally and physically healthy as possible you can definitely raise your chances of being one of those 70 year old tanks you see destroying the rock climbing walls and stuff.
And unless you get severe parkinsons or something I still think there are many fulfilling things you can do at home.
But at the end of the day it’s about working with what you have. I understand it can be a huge adjustment when someone that has done the same thing for 40 years is forced into retirement and their world is turned upside down. I know it’s not all simple. But I’ve seen a streamer that can only move their head playing COD with a mouth controller. I think just about everyone can find something if they try.
I substitute socialising with small streaming channels. Like the ones that have less than 5-10 people watching ever. You can come and go as you please and no one cares, and you can make real connections and have actual conversions with both the streamer and other viewers. People with channels that small aren’t doing it for the money, they’re doing it to have people to chill with while they play.
Some would say they aren’t real friends but I think there’s a point you can get to where I would disagree.
Guess everyone’s different. I’m a stay at home dad with a wife that works and I’m incredibly happy doing chores for a couple hours then indulging my hobbies until school pickup. I have time to exercise. I have time to cook good meals (and learn to do so). It’s been 13 years and no sign of getting sick of it yet. She has a high paying job that she’s happy in and is someone that would tell me if she had an issue. This was suggested by her.
I don’t know how anyone can get bored without work. There are 1000 things that you can do as “work” that surely there must be some that any given person would enjoy. Learning music, language, gardening, coding, makeup, design, art, games, woodwork, exercise I could go on and on and on.
I could somewhat understand 50+ years ago. But we have the INTERNET now. We have unprecedented access to entertainment and knowledge. Anything you could ever want to know or learn or watch is available to you. And if you find the online resources inadequate for learning to play that obscure instrument or practise speaking that language, I bet you you can find someone to teach you over video call.
Judge away but I’m happy and don’t know how anyone could find working better. The only thing working truly gives you is money. Any sense of fulfilment or purpose I guarantee can be found elsewhere as well.
That’s not to say work CAN’T be fulfilling or meaningful though. Just that it’s not the only path or unique to working like people like to make out.
There’s like 300 n64 games in existence. You can find it.
He was born in 89 which is very close to my age. Most people my age that are kind of techy but don’t do it as a job or main hobby probably tried Linux around 2010 or so, at which time it was rubbish for gaming, and wrote it off as impractical. It absolutely makes sense for someone that hasn’t tried it since then to say “now” when referring to its ability to play most games well, because it’s relative to when they last tried it.
Yeah, I stayed on xp until I got a new pc during 7, then I stayed on 7 until I got a new pc during 10. I’ll probably stay on 10 until whatever is after 11 comes out, even though I know better, because I just don’t care enough.
Perplexity already runs a US copy of it.
I’m not going to say piracy is right or wrong.
What I will say is if everyone had access to that replicator, and everyone replicated everything in the store and left, the store would close down, and the products would stop being made.
Likewise, piracy is only viable because not everyone does it. If literally every person pirated the games or movies of any given company, that company would no longer be profitable and would close down.
Piracy is getting something for free because other people pay for it.
So how are a ton of people going to red note? Shouldn’t that have been banned a long time ago if they ban every company?
The nationwide statistics don’t tell the complete story, as local situations can vary significantly. While some congregations may be minimally affected, stable or growing, others are experiencing severe declines that threaten their sustainability. A dramatic decline in one location (such as a 90% drop in attendance at a single church) doesn’t necessarily reflect the national average.
And also you’re literally missing the point even if what you said was true for a given church, since I bet you wouldn’t want a 35% pay cut on your entire wage just to not pay taxes anymore either, and that depending on your circumstances that could affect your ability to live critically.
OK I’ll make you a deal you no longer pay taxes but your full pay gets cut to 1/4 of what it is now.
Why do you think not paying taxes makes magic money appear? If people aren’t attending and donating they don’t have money to not pay taxes on in the first place.
Cost of an execution is more than the cost of life in prison as well.
Kmart and target both sell literal “poker kits” with decks of cards and chips with no restriction on who can buy it. In the toy section with the other board games no less.
Thanks, I’ve actually been looking and that was probably my top contender so far, so it’s nice to see it suggested. Twice as expensive as real Debrid is a tough sell though if I’m honest, and that’s assuming I get the year upfront.
Decisions, decisions…