All of our personal information has already been copied, so this isn’t protection. At best, it may be punishment. Woohoo.
Yeah, and it turns out the guy that cut me off and brake checked me was in the wrong too. But much like that, it only matters if there’s consequences.
I hate how true that is.
This will really chap your ass then:
Its enough to make a guy take up plumbing with his brother!
It’s so ballsy and unnecessary too. What are you going to do with that money? We really couldn’t give a fuck less if you were still obscenely rich, as long as we can just be paid for the value we’ve produced. Couple of rich dudes here and there? Not even on my radar. .01% of the population killing the planet and us while we starve to make them more incomprehensibly rich? I’ve got a fucking issue with that.
“Screw the rules, I have money”
Oooh! Am I gonna get another free year of credit monitoring?
Now enforce it
If we ever stamp out this fascism and get these fascists out of office the entire federal IT infrastructure is going to have to be scrapped and replaced, to the tune of billions, because our systems are not secure anymore. This fuckhead will have all our social security numbers on his private servers, so we’ll have to create a new SSN system and everyone will need new SSN’s after spending our whole lives remembering the same one.
New SSN system been overdue, but agreed
we’ll have to create a new SSN system and everyone will need new SSN’s after spending our whole lives remembering the same one.
Hopefully the new one would have proper security features, rather than having one single number that every bank, lender, employer, etc has. It desperately needs the ability to revoke access for just a single entity, which is impossible if they all share the same number.
I know where we can find 450 billion for the Job of rebuilding…bill the asshole who broke it
So can we file a class action civil suit against muskovich?
Good, now jail them for it