“It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them,” Sanders wrote in a statement days after the election.
Yeah, pretty much.
“It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them,” Sanders wrote in a statement days after the election.
Yeah, pretty much.
One shouldn’t be a gatekeeper for the other.
She’s the reason the orange man won the first time. Nearly any other candidate would have been better. She deserves to be remembered as the catalyst for the final end of this country. She does not deserve any honors.
One of the aspects of the incoming admin that concerns me yet no one is talking about it.
If you can’t afford a phone, you don’t get to fly.
Yes, write automation. This will lead you to learning new commands that solve problems as you go. Debugging until they work correctly also helps make them more familiar. This is the best way to learn for sure. At least in my own experience, could be different for you, but I strongly suspect this’ll work well.
Consistency on the right is found only in their policies of hate.
You mean you don’t have a bunker and tons of weapons? /s
Still made a choice.
So this was a deliberate act of terror?
Now try proving intent in court.
Someone deliberately bought the vehicle. They knew the risk. One took out its owner in my old neighborhood a couple months ago. Pretty sure it was the one that I laughed at parked on the street all year. Haven’t seen it since.
Pope bombs are especially dangerous because of the associated child abuse. Run and hide if you think someone’s got ‘em.
Or maybe don’t participate in bitcoin.
But the checkmate doesn’t count in shorts and a tshirt. Everyone knows that. /s
Stupid rule.
We can take comfort in knowing that narcissists generally are afraid of being wrong / outcasts. They hate themselves for their perceived weaknesses. Lonnie is deeply troubled, or he wouldn’t behave this way.
I love myself. I love that he hates himself. Rinse, repeat.
Shit. You just made it make sense in a way that no one has said before.
Even though I’d pointed out the same about another article, I was triggered by this one and you brought me back around. Thanks!
Why should illness block your retirement? Healthcare is a human right.
Once again, I propose that we take the average life expectancy of USA citizens and subtract 18 years and cut off voting rights. I have a Bernie placard in my window, but he’s quite an exception. We need to stop letting elderly people decide for the generations that come after them.