Of course it’s real. This is maybe one of the least shocking beliefs from a webcomic like xkcd ever. Like 1/5 of all the comics are about hacker culture or Linux.
Maybe you’re missing some context. This comic is about DRM. Back in the day there was a big fight between the companies and consumer advocate groups like the EFF over DRM because it’s awful for the people paying for DRM’d content.
It’s pretty easy to buy DRM-free content now for certain forms of media, esp. books and music, not so much for others. But my whole point here is that if you’re on the side of the EFF and FSF, you’re anti-DRM, which means that you’ll probably support piracy as long as DRM continues to fuck over consumers.
Yeah that’s what I mean; this is a bit edgier than I’d expect out of him these days. To be fair people often tend to become less piracy-enthusiastic once they publish their own books!
Hold up is this real?
EDIT Holy fucking shit it’s real: https://xkcd.com/488/
Of course it’s real. This is maybe one of the least shocking beliefs from a webcomic like xkcd ever. Like 1/5 of all the comics are about hacker culture or Linux.
Okay but programing or Unix jokes are whole different cake than openly admitting piracy unless you’re Meta.
Maybe you’re missing some context. This comic is about DRM. Back in the day there was a big fight between the companies and consumer advocate groups like the EFF over DRM because it’s awful for the people paying for DRM’d content.
It’s pretty easy to buy DRM-free content now for certain forms of media, esp. books and music, not so much for others. But my whole point here is that if you’re on the side of the EFF and FSF, you’re anti-DRM, which means that you’ll probably support piracy as long as DRM continues to fuck over consumers.
Louis Rossmann shouts this from the YouTube rooftops all the time. Why not Randall?
He’s gotten a bit less edgy over the years. Mostly in good ways.
Even though this is an old one, going by the ID.
Yeah that’s what I mean; this is a bit edgier than I’d expect out of him these days. To be fair people often tend to become less piracy-enthusiastic once they publish their own books!