Dude thinks tesla is the biggest automotive manufacturer on the planet. Please don’t vote for this goober
Reminds me of the “lighting from the sky” clips. Can’t tell if he’s trying to praise someone or he’s just kinda not very smart.
Not very smart.
Depends on how you define it. Tesla is worth more then all the other car companies combined. But they sell way less cars. I have no idea why their stock is so high.
Because its way WAY overinflated. Musk fanboy have been stuffing money into Tesla since forever foaming at the mouths about each next lie musk claims next. SELF DRIVING CARS, TOMORROW! (for the past decade or so already and he’s still not even halfway there, let alone close)
He claims to be the best engineer in the world, he doesn’t even qualify as a basic engineer. What he is is a very good con man who really is talented at lying and using his flamboyant persona to pay his own image up and not get found out.
And its insane. Everything he says is a lie yet the fanboys scoop it up, slurp it up, snort it up. They continue to buy Tesla stock without any indication that it’s actually worth the money and the stock has been rising for years without Tesla doing anything to warrant it
Loom at Tesla! The last model they brought out, the cyber truck was a hilariously stupid dumpster fire that was so badly designed and built that… ah, just look at some news articles, look at some YouTube videos. the car is a shit show. The trucks? Crickets. Why crickets? Well, fundamentally, electrical long haul trucks are a very bad idea and nobody wants them. It won’t ever go anywhere. What else? There is nothing else new. All the models they’re selling are from years ago, there is nothing new.
Meanwhile other car manufacturers are racing circles around Tesla, there is so much better and cheaper on sale now, Tesla has been dying for quite some time. The only new things that are coming are Elon lies. Tesla with space rockets, full self driving, you name it. All lies.
Yet people keep buying telsa stock because they keep believing that Elon is an actual engineer z or even competent (he was famously fitted for incompetence)
It isn’t ‘worth’ more. Its market cap based on speculation and inflated stock prices are only worth what they can be sold for.
Tesla’s “value”, and musk, are basically a holding company and laundromat for not good people.
Of course Elon Musk is interfering with our politics.
What pisses me off the most about Conservative politics is two-fold:
Their use of simplified three-word demagoguery specifically with the goal of making their base hoot and holler at some perceived enemy, but not actually have any policy to back up what is in truth a very complicated issue. (ie. axe the tax)
And second, their constant banging on about “Corporate handouts” to businesses that they blame the liberals for doing, when everyone (except their cultists) know that they do it ten times more. And yet media never calls them out on it.
Sorry. I know this is all well trodden territory by now. But every time I see that smug puncheable face, he repeats the bullshit behind that idiotic sign.
that was a weasely answer. Now imagine PP at the helm dealing with full-on US onslaught… will he really stand up for Canada or just for pockets of few Canadians? Any sane politician would distance themselves from Musk, the un-elected human equivalent of genital cancer. While POTUS47 is covered in Teflon and will serve his full term Musk could fall out of grace at any moment making his endorsement rather undesirable for anybody.
I vote we rescind Muskie’s Canadian citizenship asap.
Fuck him.
I didn’t know he had citizenship. Fuck that guy.
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Every and all political endorsements. Each person can decide for themself who they are foing to vote for. The views and opinions of others don’t gold as much sway as they wish it would.
Vote your conscience, check off whichever name you decide to pick.
No you should definitely try to influence people into voting for the right guy. Most everyday tim hortons canadians seem on the fence about things right now.
No, each person has a responsibility to learn for themself. Until a person is willing to have their viewers and statements criticized, they will always have a low functionality. If a person can’t handle listening to an explanation of how their beliefs are false, nothing that is said will stick with that person.
Sure but they do.
You know what, I’m just glad he isn’t getting down on his knees and fellating Elon like so many other right wing politicians. The bar is low but he still cleared it
I have absolutely no love for Poilievre whatsoever, but listen to his answer to the question:
Do you accept [Musk’s] endorsement?
He very specifically doesn’t say yes at any point. He starts off by saying that going to Mars is the ambition of a toddler. He goes on to say “I hope Tesla opens some factories in Canada so that Canadians can benefit”. He calls doubt on the notion that a meeting with Musk is ever even in the realm of possibilities.
For people who hate Poilievre, I challenge you to really listen to what he says here. He’s dissing Musk, actually pretty harshly.
That’s a very generous interpretation.
I hear it as “I can’t wait to get my hands in Elon’s pockets and get my kid set for life like I was”
How many times did pp have to apologize for having his picture taken with a white nationalist?