Why do they need a patent for this? How would this not conflict with just tv remotes? Like it’s not a bad feature, but blocking anyone else from having a rewind button without paying them seems like an overstep for such a basic addition.
To stifle competition and progress.
Why do they need a patent for this?
Because if they did it without one, anyone could do it.
If they get the patent, even if they don’t do it, anyone who does have to pay them.
How would this not conflict with just tv remotes?
Video games and TVs are different enough devices
You got a little Sony on your upper lip there pal
I think givesomefucks is more explaining than defending the process in their comment.
The term you are looking for is “trolling” and legally protected doing it, get fucked pedons
I’ll never understand why trolls make a new account referencing the banned one, makes it easy to block at least
bootlickers are even easier to spot ;)
How the hell did anyone grant a patent for that?
The user is able to enter the rewind mode from the live game play using one or more controller inputs to view recent game play (e.g. rewinding, fast-forwarding, playing, etc.) and returning to live game play afterwards.
(Emphasis mine)
This doesn’t sound like it’s actually rewinding gameplay (as in like, Prince of Persia Sands of TIme style rewinding), which is what they seem to be trying to imply, but rather it sounds like it will just let you watch a replay of your gameplay to review it and see what you did wrong, which you can already do. I think all modern consoles (and Steam, etc.) have a ‘Save last 30 seconds of gameplay’ style feature. This is just adding a button to the controller to view that recording, from the sound of it.
So, they patented the screenshot button from the Nintendo Switch? That does the exact same thing if held down.
Forza hás that since the x360
Next time the controller will play the game for us so we can do other stuff instead.
Well these bitches could be making daddy some mother fucking money instead, no?
What was that Xbox game where you had rewind time as part of the gameplay…the character was Buzby or something…a animal creature with a vacuum cleaner type weapon
Thanks for bringing that up, I played the shit out of Blinx 2 back when and had all but forgotten it.
Incidentally my first thought reading your comment was “Prince of Persia: Sands of Time”