Regular users in Sweden are in danger because a corporation needs to fill their pockets. Studios are suing your ISPs to get to you.
Use I2P. It will hide your IP address (among the many things it can do), afford you more privacy and allow you to torrent freely, even without a VPN/seedbox. The catch? You’ll have to add the I2P trackers to your torrent.
I believe I2P is the way forward for piracy and I look forward to it getting bigger than it already is.
A proper VPN provider is sufficient to protect against this though. If you, as a Swedish citizen, weren’t already using a VPN, you were being an idiot.
I mean, it still makes sense to also use I2P, but it is currently not good enough as a full replacement.
A VPN company can easily give up your details to the police who are now actively going after citizens. VPNs are not enough anymore.
Is there a problem with I2P adoption? I’m sensing a massive lack of interest from this thread
If there are no logs, there is nothing to give up. There is no law that they have to keep logs as far as I know.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m interested in i2p. Thanks for posting.
No logs policy are not trustworthy
seed!!! I have already started my i2p setup and i will donate my bandwith
remember kids do what johnny appleseed did and always seed more than you take.
Does anyone know of a fairly uncomplicated method to set up my seedbox, so I can seed on the clearnet and I2P at the same time, without having to store two copies of all my torrents? I already seed terrabytes of torrent data, and I don’t want to store duplicates of all that.
I know nothing about seedboxes, but on a computer you can point multiple torrents to the same directory. If you make it read-only, by permission or mount options or whatever, the torrent client can’t even fuck it up
I know nothing about seedboxes
It’s basically just a cheap virtual server running e.g. Deluge or ruTorrent, hosted by a torrent-friendly provider in some country that doesn’t give a fuck about DMCA notices. Most don’t allow the user to access the underlying Linux system though, but mine does actually give me a root shell.
I’m gonna have to look into deploying another torrent client on the seedbox, besides my current ruTorrent installation. My provider also offers dedicated servers. They’re more expensive, but I might go with one so I can seed on the clearnet and I2P. It will probably have enough overhead CPU, RAM and bandwidth, so I can also run a Tor node and maybe IPFS.
I’m assuming your seedbox providers allows you root access to the server? Which provider is this?
I currently use GigaRapid, because they are one of the few providers that let me pay with Monero. If I find a better provider, I might switch though.
Which plan? I used to use them too
Currently on Iridium G10, I was on Gold G10 before, but ran out of storage. It’s pretty expensive though, and I’m open for better suggestions. I think the next one I’m gonna try out is AppBox. Unfortunately no XMR, but they offer other crypto currencies such as BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH and others. also seems interesting. I’m also looking into getting a dedicated server from for ~30 EUR/month.
What do you use now?
I still have one of their ECO boxes but it’s not doing much. I haven’t torrented anything in the last 2 months I think (didn’t find a need to).
It’s not big at all. But agree, this is the way.
100% right this is the way of helping the piracy looks like Tor. but it is not the same?
similar yes but not the same. tor held together by volunteer that run nodes, i2p everyone is a node. tor good for clearnet things, i2p good for in-network things. torrenting in i2p is good for i2p, not tor. torrenting in i2p stays in the i2p network, doesn’t go through exit nodes. there’s only about 3 of those. it’s torrenting as a darknet hidden service.
Yeah, thanks for clearing this up. I was also reading: if people want to know more in depth.
I tried to find the answer to this in i2p docs, maybe you would know more
As I understand, i2p traffic still needs to send packets over TCP/IP, so what stops the nodes you communicate with from knowing your IP? Its the only thing that makes me cagey about it since other p2p services like local game servers require sharing your IP to work. Hoping to get back into torrenting, thanks!
Here’s the scary sounding part that can be counterintuitive. The routers you’re communicating with do know your ip, since they have to like you mentioned. Your ip address is also in i2p’s DHT as a “router info” which functions as a network addressbook for routers and services so things can be found without needing a centralized lookup service. Again, because for the network to work, routers need to be able to find eachother, or they can’t communicate.
But, routers function on a need to know basis. i2p uses separate up and down links for each tunnel, and your side of the tunnel by default has 3 hops. other side usually also has 3 hops. typical unidirectional tunnel looks like this with total of 7 hops:
None of the chains in the link know what position they’re in (except for the endpoints). They also don’t know how long the whole tunnel is. The sender and receiver only know their parts of the tunnel. On the dht side, by design no single router has a whole view of the network, but there isn’t a whole lot of information you get from that other than knowing that person at stated ip address uses i2p, which your isp would be able to tell for example anyway just like using tor or a vpn. There’s no reason to try to obfuscate that except for getting around restrictive countries firewalls.
The way i made sense of it was like you have an envelope that is inside several other envelopes, with each envelope representing a layer of encryption. You get an envelope from kevin, so you know kevin. You open the envelope and see another envelope addressed to george, you give the envelope to him. So you know kevin and george. But the rest is unknown to you. You don’t know who the true originator of the envelope is or where the message is ultimately going.
Not a perfect analogy, but because of this the ultimate sender and receiver are blind to each others ip address. It’s layered encryption allowing this to happen which is similar to onion routing. Called garlic routing in i2p since there are some tweaks.
I have lots of questions. I’ve always heard to use a VPN that doesn’t keep logs, this is the first I’ve heard of i2p. If I add i2p trackers that implies I still have non-i2p trackers so can still be identified. I feel like I need way more information on how to do this safely before I change anything.
Obviously, this doesn’t change anything if you’re still seeding to the clearnet. All this would do is cross-seed your torrents to the I2P network. I assume you have a suitable torrenting strategy already for the clearnet. If some day you were to abandon the clearnet for I2P, you would no longer need to take the precautions you do now because I2P is inherently private.
Please skim through the documentation for a high-level overview on I2P, and ask here if you don’t understand something