The airstrike led to the closure of a road near the Masnaa Border Crossing, from where tens of thousands of people fleeing war in Lebanon have crossed into Syria.
The UN is defunct. Why the hell would they create a international governing body that can be vetoed by one of several adversarial super powers? (rhetorical)
I said rhetorical… But it makes the UN pointless. Each side is doing unspeakable harm to innocent people and the whole point was to prevent another World War. Look at us now. Literally one presidential election away from WW3, hoping that Harris will bring Isreal to heel.
The UN is defunct. Why the hell would they create a international governing body that can be vetoed by one of several adversarial super powers? (rhetorical)
Because otherwise the superpowers have zero incentive to participate at all.
I said rhetorical… But it makes the UN pointless. Each side is doing unspeakable harm to innocent people and the whole point was to prevent another World War. Look at us now. Literally one presidential election away from WW3, hoping that Harris will bring Isreal to heel.
People always shit on stuff they don’t understand. The UN was created so a world war would never happen again and they’ve been damn effective.
The UN isn’t some magical no war fairy, they try to resolve and encourage corporation but there are limits.
Well for one thing, it’s not and is not intended to be an international governing body. What nation would choose to belong to such a thing?